Percabeth Grandma Haircut

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A/N: you guys are all so sweet and loyal and I appreciate you all so much. I guess I was just letting my doubts cloud my better judgement so without further ado here's the percabeth chapter

  Percy smiled as he watched one year old Andy toddle around his livingroom.  She was so adorable and reminded him a lot of the goddess of love herself. Of course his other granddaughter Amy was there too, her little face was so concentrated as she took apart his coffee table.


   "Ahhh Amy no, let's not do that sweetheart." He swiftly stood from his recliner and scooped her into his arms as he eyed the loose screws and bolts that were all over his coffee table.
   "I upgrade it!" She exclaimed proudly. Percy looked over to his sleeping wife, who had just had gotten over the flu. She was sound asleep on the couch, all tucked up in her favorite blanket.

    Andy would be fine for a couple minutes alone with her while he took Amy down to the garage and looked for a wrench to fix his poor table. He was only slightly embarrassed that she knew her tools better than he did.  But her other grandpa was Leo so it shouldn't be that shocking.

Andy looked around curiously for her grandpa, but he wasn't there anymore. She toddled over to his big green chair and bounced in it for a minute rocking it back and forth as she giggled merrily.  Then the soft gleam caught her eye. Something shiny and sharp and round gleamed in the sunlight. She hefted herself up onto her grandpa's chair fully and reached out her pudgy fingers for the object sitting in a cup on his side table.

She ended up knocking over the cup of various pens and other pocket sized items but she held the scissors in her fingers proudly.

Sabrina had a pair just like this, but they were purple and smaller. Andy remembered going with her mommy when she got a haircut. So that's what these were for. She brought them up to her beautiful blonde curls, but didn't have the fine motor skills to actually cause any real damage to her hair. She snipped off a few ends of her hair and played with the little pieces of her blonde (almost white) hair. She looked up seeing her grandma roll over in her sleep, her hair falling over the side of the couch pooling in beautiful golden curls onto the carpet. 

Andy beamed unable to crawl and hold the scissors she got on her knees, putting the handle of the scissors in her mouth as she crawled forward hazardously to her grandmother's sleeping form.

Snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip

  "Hey guys thanks so much for watching Amy for us, we really needed time to fix the pipe she tried to update...OH GODS!" Pearl yelped seeing her one year old niece surrounded by her grandmother's hair. She held the loop of the scissors in each hand and smiled as she continued to snip away at the blonde hair. Brandon reacted faster rushing through the threshold of the house he pried the scissors from the baby's grip and picked her up.

  Andy the goodnatured baby she was just giggled and clapped.
   "Mom.." Pearl approached her mom carefully as she shook her awake. Annabeth yawned and sat up,  she smacked her lips a couple times, before she registered something wasn't right. Her eyes widened and she lifted her fingers to her hair, only it wasn't there. She slowly looked down and when she saw that her hair was all over the floor she just gaped and kept touching her remaining hair.

   "Perseus Jackson!" She exclaimed loudly and there was a bang and he came up the stairs, holding little Amy and a wrench.
   "Annabeth what's the...oh my GODS...what'd you do to your hair?"  He asked and her eye twitched.

   "What did I do to my hair?" She asked lowly and he looked at the scissors on the ground and cringed slightly.
   "Oh those are the scissors you asked me to put away before the grandkids came over..." he chuckled nervously and Annabeth groaned.
    "I look like a rat died on my head!" She grumbled and Piper eyed her head intently.
    "I could cut it to a feathered shoulder length look." She offered as Hazel tried to not laugh.

  "Just fix it, as long as you can fix it, I don't care what it looks like. "

Which was the day Annabeth got a short haircut, a grandma haircut. Thanks to little Andy.

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