Anthony and Erica potty training

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  There comes a time every parent dreads, the time of potty training. For Erica and Anthony they were dreading it three times that of any normal parents because they were potty training triplets.
   "Alright Ethan, see you get to wear these super snazzy Pokemon underwear. Won't that be super cool!" Anthony showed the eldest of the triplets. Ethan looked at his dad uncertainly.
   "No!" He retorted pushing them away and Erica snorted at her husband.
   "Snazzy?" She asked with a smirk and Anthony stuck his tongue out at his wife.
   "I'm working with toddlers here, don't judge my creative process." He retorted and she laughed.
  "Whatever skully." She shook her head as she showed Liam the Thomas the train underwear. "Look leelee it's Thomas the train, your favorite." She showed him and Liam whimpered backing into the corner.
  "No thanks." He whispered and Erica sighed not wanting a tantrum from him she turned to Ryder who was wearing his Aquaman underwear on his head singing at the top of his lungs
   "Just keep simming!" He cried hopping up and down in the bathtub.
   "Ryder you're supposed to wear them on your behind you little maniac!" Erica laughed and he turned yelling again
  "Just keep simming!" Before he spun in a circle, dancing in place. Liam whimpered reaching out for Erica to pick him up.
  "How about you try and pee in the potty?" She tried and he tilted his head back and began to wail.
   "I no want potty!" He screamed and Anthony sighed as Ethan slapped the underwear from his hand.
   "Mooooomm I have to pee!" Landon complained standing in the doorway.
   "Landon we have two other bathrooms." Erica retorted and he pouted.
   "Ones downstairs and the other is in your room! Your makeup is all over!" He complained and Erica raised an eyebrow sharing a concerned glance with her husband. Landon wasn't one to be picky or make waves.
   "Alright come on little terrors let's give your big brother some room." She scooped Liam up off the floor and Ryder from the tub.
  "I want privacy!" Landon snapped and Anthony frowned at his son. He took Ethan as Erica had the other two. The door slammed behind them roughly.
   "Lanny mean." Liam whimpered burrying his face in Erica's neck. Erica looked over to Anthony in concern.
   "Well boys why don't we go downstairs and pick a game to play?" Erica asked and Ryder cheered.
   "Kay but I hafta pee first." He exclaimed and Erica signed. Their little potties were in with Landon. She turned knocking on the door after handing a crying Liam over to Anthony.
   "Landon ,Ryder has to pee." She explained as she tried to turn the doorknob but it was locked.
  "I'm in here!" Landon exclaimed and Erica shifted Ryder up as she knocked again.
   "I'm well aware Landon but Ryder's potty is in there just open the door!" Erica demanded and she heard the sound of Landon washing his hands.
"Landon William Di'Angelo Solace open the door now before-" Ryder looked up apologetically at his mom as he covered her shirt with pee. Anthony quickly took the boy from her scooting the boys down the hall. Just as the door opened. Landon started around his mom unconcerned. Erica grabbed his arm.
   "Landon when I say open the door I mean it! Next time go downstairs and pee!" She whirled on her heel stomping towards her and Anthony's bathroom. Probably to shower. Anthony watched her go before he looked down at the three toddlers before him.
   "Alright who else has to pee?" He asked and Ethan raised his hand and Liam avoided eye contact as a puddle appeared at his feet. Anthony sighed. "Guess we're all having a bath before game time huh?" He chuckled herding the toddlers towards the bathroom. He missed Landon's bitter expression.
   "Stupid babies." He grumbled starting down the stairs. He kicked Ryder's stuffed animal and stepped on Ethan's truck as he picked up his stuffed ram from Hades and plopped down on the couch clicking on the TV. "Who needs them." He grumbled as Batman vs Superman started to play.

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