Erikony : Naomi

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Landon's POV:

   I didn't understand girls. I had a big girl problem and her name was Naomi. I'd known her since the second grade and we had been mortal enemies since. She wouldn't let me play tag with the girls and said I was a smelly boy. I bathed quite frequently thank you very much. Ugh she was just there and always bothering me.

  My best friend Jasper Zhang and I always had to deal with her and her rudeness. Jasper was a whole grade above me, but Naomi was my grade. We were both sixth graders.
  I was sitting across from Jasper at the lunch table and we were talking about who would win in a fight Batman or Ironman. When she strode over.
   "I'm telling you Jasper ,Batman had gadgets he'd take Ironman down like that!" I snapped and Jasper scoffed at me.
   "Please Landon, Ironman can fly!" He exasperated and I shook my head. No no no.
   "Come on man, think about it, Batman took out Bane!" I tried again and Jasper chuckled, shaking his head as I bit into my Apple.
   "He also got his  back broken by bane!" He retorted and I swallowed the chunk of apple in my mouth and leaned back in my blue chair ready to dive further into the comic world.
   "Aw come on Jasper-" I was cut off however, when someone shoved my chair in from behind, making my gut ram into the circular table.
   "Hi Landon the loser!" Naomi sneered flicked a caramel curl behind her shoulder and she sashayed away.

  Not going to take her rudeness sitting down I jumped up and slapped her lunch bag out of her hands. Food went everywhere. A Tupperware of salad or something hit the ground and burst open.
   "Shut up Naomi the neanderthal!" I retorted and her expression blanked for a second. Her apple rolled from her lunch bag, bruised, and then she looked up at me with nothing but hatred in her eyes.
   "You're an awful person Landon Solace-Di'angelo!" She then stomped on my foot and walked to her lunch table. GIRLS were so confusing! She attacked me first! Huffing I returned to Jasper too angry to even see straight. How is it one girl could make me so angry and get under my skin all the time?! I couldn't even eat anymore. I stood huffing away as I dropped my tray in the garbage and shuffled out of the lunchroom.

I was sitting on the couch, it was a Saturday, watching my twentieth episode of SpongeBob SquarePants when my mom came and shut off the TV.
   "What gives mom!" I complained slumping further into the cushions. She rolled her eyes at me, hands on her hips. "Ugh parents. She was a girl though so what did I expect."

   "Excuse me young man!" She snapped and I froze. Had I said that out loud? Whoops.
   " look great today." I feebly tried to compliment her to throw her off track. However her expression darkened more and she resembled my grandma Annabeth...which is scary. You never want to mess with my grandma when she gives you that look.

  "Go outside and play." She instructed and I scoffed.
   "And do what? There's no plug-ins out there. How am I supposed to watch TV outside?" I questioned and she shook her head in disbelief.
   "I cannot believe this! Just go! Use your imagination. Ride your bike, do something besides sitting in front of the TV all day killing your brain cells." She bossily commanded, so with much hatred I begrudgingly left my house. Slipping on my Jesus sandles as I went.
   "But mom!" I stopped at the door giving her my best puppy dog eyes. Her expression wavered slightly.
   "Landon, your body needs exercise." She persisted stubbornly. I threw my hands up in annoyance.
   "But I got up twice to refill my chip bowl, that's walking which technically counts as exercise last I -" she pointed to the door.
   "March!" She ordered and I pouted
   "But last I checked it was October." I grinned and she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
   "Landon Will, I swear to Gods if you do not walk out that door and go outside -" I quickly stepped outside then shut the door. I waited a good five minutes...or seconds before I cautiously opened the door.
   "Whew that was energizing mom, great idea, I'll be in my room!" I tried to make a break for the stairs but she caught my arm. Her expression was anything but amused.
   "Landon go outside now!" She threatened and I scowled.
   "But I did!" I exclaimed and she scoffed.
   "For like five seconds, go feel the sun on your face, enjoy the warmth before it becomes winter!" She exasperated in annoyance.

   "But I burn easily, I got grandpa Nico's pasty skin!" I tried as she shoved me towards the front door.
   "Don't care Lans, wear sunblock." She deadpanned and I was floundering for an excuse any excuse.
    "Ow ooh I think my ankle is twisted!" I fake limped and my mom stopped and raised an eyebrow at me. Then she tickled my side and I jumped up and landed on my feet...darn it!
  "Twisted ankle you say?" She questioned sarcastically and I slumped in defeat.
   "I'll just go." I grumbled and she smirked ruffling my hair in amusement.
   "Good boy I'll see you in an hour or so." I scoffed in annoyance.
   "An hour!" I complained and she nodded.
   "Have fun." Was her reply.
   "Ugh girls!" I complained before I slammed the door.

As I walked to nowhere in particular, I shoved my hands in my pockets and kept my head down. Stupid mom, stupid girls, stupid day, stupid exercise ..stupid...stupid...stupid EVERYTHING!!! I kicked a rock watching it skitter across the street. Ugh this was so boring. Moodily I shuffled along the sidewalk. Had it been an hour yet..? I looked back towards my house .. probably not. I stuffed my hands in my pockets. I walked along for a good ten or so minutes,bored out of my mind.

When  a small green street sign caught my attention. 'halfblood city skatepark"
I smirked wryly to myself and thought the idea over, my mom wasn't going to let me go home anytime soon. And I had a whole hour to kill. I turned left ,following the sign to the park.

The minute I got to the skate park a flash of green tore past me and zoomed across the railing before doing a kick flip and sailed into the skating bowl thing. The person, I'm assuming a boy, did a turn in the air, all the way in a circle then repeated it,  before he did a backflip, landing on his board as he skidded to a stop next to me.
   "Woah that was amazing dude, I've never seen anything like that before!!! Wow! Just wow!" I exclaimed praising him. He tilted his head to the side and frowned, his sunglasses reflected my own expression.

   "Landon?" I knew that voice, and it was no boy. With one swift movement the helmet was off, her hair came tumbling out, and her expression was exstatic, with a hint of smug.
   "N-n-n" is all I could say I was humiliated and extremely shocked. Her eyes gleaming she shuffled from foot to foot.
   "You thought I was good?" She asked brightly. I was still struggling to wrap my mind around the idea that a girly girl like Naomi could skate like a freaking boss.

  "Good? You were ...I can't believe .... how.. " I was gasping for air, this was unreal. Naomi giggled softly, at me! Naomi was giggling AT ME! What crazy demention had I walked into?! Had Tartarus frozen over?
   "A simple yes or no would have been good too Landon." She smirked, yup that's the Naomi I knew.

   "How long have you been skating? Cause Jasper would love your sick moves! My cousin Aubrey too!" I asked, the awe still trying to get out of my system. Her expression darkened.
   "You can't tell anyone Landon!" She exclaimed frantically and I was shocked.
   "Why? You're amazing!" I whispered softly and tears started pooling on the bridge of her eyes.
   "I'm serious Landon, don't tell anyone! If my mom found out..." She looked down, as if she was ashamed. The skateboard dropped from her hands and she swiped at her eyes.

   "I promise I won't tell, if that's what you want." I held up my hands in surrender, not wanting her to be upset with me.
   "You don't understand anything! You're just a stupid boy!" She pushed past me, throwing off her helmet. I watched her disappear out the enterance. I frowned my insides were all confused.

I thought I hated Naomi but now I wasn't so sure.

(To be continued...
In later years )

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