Percabeth in What if

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A/N: hey guys so this is a little humorous chapter that I decided to write since the last few have been very sad ♥️ so here you go!!!

Annabeth sighed as she walked to the doorway of Charlie's bedroom.
"Night Charlie." She called and he grunted in response and Annabeth sighed walking back into her room with Percy.
"Gods I miss our kids." Percy grumbled and Annabeth laughed climbing into the bed next to him.
"We just saw them yesterday Percy." She chuckles and he sits up his eyes glossy.
"I mean like when they were little. " He whispered and Annabeth snuggled close to him.
"And their only problems were scraped knees and what they wanted to eat for lunch." She smiled contently and Percy nodded.
"Wouldn't it be great if we could have them as kids for just one day." He murmured and Annabeth smiled kissing his temple.
"That would be so nice." She agreed before they fell asleep against one another.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" A shrill voice broke Annabeth from her sleep.
"Charlie?" She murmured softly and the door swung open and a little girl with dark hair jumped onto the bed. A stuffed octopus clutched in her little fist.
"Mommy Elliot won't share the last of the fruit loops!" Erica...she was definitely Erica. Annabeth was suddenly very awake. She nudged her husband roughly.
"Percy!" she whispered and he grunted sleepily. She nudged him harder. "Percy!" She hissed and Erica smiled body slamming her dad with a giggle. Percy sat bolt up right.
"Huh what?!" He asked running a hand through his hair.
"Silly daddy, mommy was trying to wake you up!" Erica smiled and Percy paled.
"Erica?" He questioned and she smiled laughing softly.
"Yup!" She jumped off the bed at the sound of cereal being poured. "Nooo Elliot that's my cereal!!!" She screamed running from the room.
"What's going on!?" Annabeth asked in a frantic whisper and Percy shrugged.
"Elliot's eating Erica's cereal." He murmured and she glared at him.
"Hilarious! Percy I'm serious how did this happen!!" She exclaimed as a little blonde walked in carrying her stuffed sea horse.
"Mama, I hungry!" She murmured softly and Percy jumped off the bed scooping the little girl off the floor.
"Pearl?" He asked and she looked at him tilting her little head to the side.
"I hungry daddy." She proclaimed and he looked to Annabeth who stood.
"How old are you sweet pea?" She asked running a hand through her blonde curls. Pearl frowned looking irritated.
"I is hungry!" She wailed and Percy covered his ear.
"She's obviously three." He whispered and Annabeth bit back a laugh.
"Mama, can I go to the library with you today?" Penny asked rubbing the sleep from her little eyes and Annabeth beamed. She hadn't seen her oldest so young in so long.
"Of course we can baby." She promised kneeling to look at her little face.
"Mommy Erica's stealing my cereal!"
"It's my cereal!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
Annabeth laughed jumping up she picked up the little eight year old Penny and started down the stairs.
"Mama I can walk!" She giggled and Annabeth kissed her cheek making her little laughs louder.
"Mom what's going on?" Charlie whispered and Annabeth quickly pulled him to the side Penny on her hip.
"I'm not sure. I don't know what happened. I woke up and they were like this." She expressed and Charlie looked at his oldest sister.
"Take a picture it'll last longer!" She stuck out her tounge and Annabeth quickly sat her on her feet.
"Why don't you go make daddy make you pancakes!" She reasoned and Penny beamed.
"Blue pancakes!" She cheered racing down the stairs.
"This is crazy!" Charlie exclaimed. Annabeth nodded.
"It is." She murmured and he grinned.
"I'm so using this as blackmail!" He exclaimed racing down the stairs and Annabeth shook her head.
"That's the spirit Charlie." She murmured sarcastically.
"Mommy, Daddy is making pancakes!" Elliot exclaimed his eyes twinkling and Annabeth brushed his dark waves from his little face.
"Is he now?" She asked bending down to his eye level.
"Yeah and Erica is hiding under the table!" He whispered and Annabeth raised an eyebrow picking up her son she walked over to the table bending down as she looked under the table.
"Erica what are you doing sweetheart?" She asked and the six year old pouted.
"I want cereal!" She whined and Annabeth smiled.
"You can have cereal honey." She promised and Erica smiled crawling out from the table happily.
"All you had to do was ask Erica!" Penny deadpanned dryly as she sat on her knees and Erica smiled.
"Mommy can I go swimming pool?" She asked and Percy brought over a plate of pancakes.
"Yay!" Pearl cheered and Annabeth smiled kissing her cheek. Pearl giggled happily. It was a happy contrast to what her youngest daughter had been lately.
"Daddy, daddy who is he?!" Elliot pointed to Charlie quizzically as he shoved pancakes into his mouth.
"Remember to swallow your food first." Annabeth whispered and Elliot stopped swallowing quickly.
"Let's watch Tangled!" He exclaimed and Annabeth smiled.
"Um this is Charles," Percy expressed and Penny frowned.
"Nuh uh dad, I'm the oldest!" Penny explained and Percy looked to his wife nervously.
  "Well he's like seven. He's just really tall." Annabeth smiled and Penny frowned eyeing them critically.
   "Okay.." she began cutting her pancakes, drizzling her syrup slowly. Though she kept glancing at Charlie uncertainly.
   "Yum yum yum!" Pearl slapped her hand in the syrup dragging it through her hair and Annabeth groaned.
   "No baby let mama help you." She went to wipe her hands but Pearl screamed.
    "NO!" She cried out and Annabeth was too old for this. She was a grandmother for crying out loud.
   "Pearl you need to listen to me." She tried but Pearl instead threw her pancake on the floor.
  "Mooooomm!!!! Elliot's touching me with his syrupy hands!" Erica whined and Annabeth turned.
   "Dad you forgot to put in blueberries!" Penny complained and Percy nodded starting for the stove.
   "I'll make a batch right now!" He exclaimed as Pearl threw a pancake at his back. "Awe Pearl really?" He sighed and Erica dumped her bowl onto Elliot's head. Annabeth groaned she forgot how tiresome four children under eight could be.
   "He's looking at me!" Penny pointed to Charlie darkly and he held his hands up in surrender.
Annabeth was half asleep as she put Penny, Pearl, and Erica into Pearl's old room, since it was the only one decorated as a bedroom besides the guest room and Charlie's room. Today had been long. Annabeth had taken Penny and Pearl to the library after lunch only for Pearl to have a melt down in the middle of it because she realized she had forgotten Mr bubbles. Then when they got home Erica and Elliot were fighting over the romote as Percy scrubbed red soda from the carpet. Dinner was okay, though Annabeth was struggling with keeping awake.  Now she was tucking the blankets around them her eyes drooping. She was in her fifties, she should not have to deal with four children. Erica and Pearl were too sleepy to give much of a fight as they curled up against each other snoring softly. Penny however seemed wide awake as she took Annabeth's face in her little hands.
   "Mama, tomorrow can I play with Phillip?" She asked with a smile and Annabeth grinned kissing her forehead. This was her little girl without all of the pain, the scars from Damien. She didn't have the scar on her neck or the sometimes haunted expression her oldest carried every now and then. Penny kissed her cheek snuggling against Pearl as her own eyes blinked closed. Annabeth smiled as Percy shut the door to Charlie's room, where Elliot was sleeping. Charlie had gladly forefitted it over to him as he slept on Annabeth and Percy's floor.
   "Let's go to sleep." Annabeth murmured and Percy yawned.
  "Don't you know it!" He chuckled softly they were sound asleep is minutes.

Annabeth awoke to her phone ringing. She groaned, she was way too tired to be waking up. Yet she peeled her eyes open bringing the phone to her ear.
  "Hello, Annabeth speaking." She murmured sounding as half asleep as she felt.
  "Annabeth this is Phillip." Her eyes opened as she sat up, using Percy as her support.
   "What's the matter?" She asked tiredly praying he didn't want her to babysit, though she did love her grandkids, she was tired.
   "Penny never came home last night. Is she with you!?" He asked just as she heard Harley screaming in the background. Annabeth sat up a little straighter. Percy's phone began ringing he answered it slowly.
   "Hi Amber...Elliot didn't come home? You woke up and he was gone. Don't panic I'll help you look." He started sitting up. Annabeth frowned.
   "Phillip will you call Anthony if Erica's not there come over to my house...okay?" She exclaimed swinging her legs over the side and smiled at the sight of Charlie sprawled out on her floor.
   "Alright thanks Mom." Phillip hung up and Annabeth made Percy repeat the same instructions to Amber, minus calling Anthony and she got dressed as quick as she could, she stepped over Charlie pulling open her door. She started down the hall and pushed open Charlie's door, a smile tugged on her lips at a very adult, twenty seven years old, Elliot. He was curled in the blankets snoring away.
   She shut the door making her way over to Pearl's old room.
Pearl was sweating like crazy, she tried to move she realized she was tied or weighed down. Boy did her throat hurt. Had she been screaming yesterday. Pearl groaned trying to sit up. It was useless however as the figure next to her groaned flipping hair into her face. Pearl spluttered. Trying to blow the hair from her face.
   "Anthony let me sleep." She murmured tiredly and Pearl sighed Erica.
   "Erica get off!" She hissed and her sister sat up with a stretch.
   "What's going on?" She asked softly as Penny sat up with a yawn.
   "I don't know...but I left Phillip with my girls... probably too long..." She rubbed her eyes and Pearl frowned.
   "Why does my hair smell like syrup,jelly and is hard and sticky?" She complained looking at her blonde hair that was going every which way in clumps.
   "Gross." Erica murmured and Pearl scowled.
  "Oh yeah does Anthony know you're cheating on him with Greg?" Pearl asked and Erica looked down blushing at the sight of her stuffed octopus.
   "Shut up Pearl!" She countered and Penny groaned pushing herself into a standing position.
   "Quiet both of you, my head is pounding." Penny murmured as she looked at the ratted t-shirt she was in.
   "Were we out drinking?" Pearl questioned and Erica shook her head.
  "Last thing I remember was getting Landon ready for bed while Anthony was reading to the triplets." Erica murmured tiredly running a hand through her hair."Great I have syrup in my hair!" She complained looking at Pearl.
   "Don't blame me!" She retorted and Penny rolled her eyes.
   "Would you two stop! You sound like children!" She exclaimed and Pearl frowned.
   "You sound like children!" She retorted pushing off the blankets, she was in a pair of pajamas and socks, both stained with food.
   "Pearl you're talking to just me!" Penny snapped and Pearl rolled her eyes.
   "So?" She questioned making her way over to the dresser in search of something to wear.
   "So, it's child not children when you are talking to one person!"
   "Sorry miss dictionary!" Pearl scoffed as she pulled out a camp half blood shirt and quickly snatched it and a pair of pants in her hand, tucking them under her arm.
  "Glad you are all awake." Annabeth greeted opening the door. She looked exhausted.
   "What happened last night?" Penny asked softly and Annabeth smiled sleepily.
   "You all were kids again. Gave your father and I a run for our money." She murmured and Erica frowned.
   "How?" She demanded Annabeth shrugged.
  "Probably the Gods idea of a joke." She smiled and Penny sighed. "You wore Charlie out she pushed open the door farther as she started down the hallway, her daughters were quick to follow.
   "Awe he's so cute." Pearl teased as Charlie slumbered on the ground curled up into a ball.
   "Why's he on the floor?" Erica mused and Annabeth chuckled.
   "He let Elliot have his bed, but refused the spare room. I have no idea why." She mused and Penny laughed.
   "Last one to the shower is a rotten egg!" Pearl exclaimes taking off for the shower. Erica laughed and Penny and Annabeth joined in.
   "I'll let her go. Her hair was a buffet for germs and food." Erica chuckled and Penny smirked.
   "Some things never change."

Penny: 29
Harley: 4
Sabrina:11 months

Erica: 27
Ethan: 2

Elliot: 27

Pearl: 24


A/N: so I was thinking of doing two chapters a family what do you all think???

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