Pearl in Lost

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  I don't know where we're going or how long we'll be gone. How to get home. I just know that like shadow traveling Landon could travel through the light. Which is what he had done when  I had been dying. Unfortunately he transported us to Greece after watching the movie Heracles. So now we were sitting on a row boat as I struggled to cross the ocean, occasionally a fish or two would bring us fresh water or food, but it was basically just Landon and I. With the exception of our sea monster friends.
This went on for many months, I lost track of how many, after it'd been three months. We were both sickly thin and tan. We got halfway through when a cruise ship helped us aboard and were surprised by us not being dehydrated. We rode with them to California then at the current moment Landon was sleeping on my lap as we rode a taxi to Arizona. I let my eyes slip close tiredly when the taxi guy was shaking me awake.
   "We're here lady. pay up." He ordered as I handed him a hundred, Landon and I had begged on the side corner for a week before a monster attacked us. As we walked through Arizona streets in the Yuma Arizona. I sighed we only had twenty bucks to our name and pretty sure our family assumed we were dead, but there was no way to get ahold of them. When a woman in a Mini van pulled over eyeing us with concern.
   "Hi I'm Nora, not to be a bother but are you two alright?" She asked and I noticed there was two of them in the van two women both sporting kind yet concerned smiles. I looked at Landon, he was panting, exhausted and worn from walking five miles. He was probably hungry too we hadn't eaten at all today.
   "Can we get a ride to phoenix? If it's no trouble we don't want to be a bother." I reasoned as Landon clutched to my leg tightly. I was skeptical but they seemed friendly enough.
   "Of course, like I said I'm Nora and this is Stacey." She gestured to the woman sitting next to her and she managed a small wave.
   "Nora is my best friend." Landon whispered in amazement and I chuckled as I helped him into the car. The women were eyeing us curiously.
   "He has a second cousin named Nora." I reasoned and they smiled as I leaned over and buckled Landon. We drove for awhile Landon slept and I struggled with staying awake myself.

    "How old is he?" Nora asked me kindly and I smiled looking over at my nephew fondly.
   "He's six." I answered and she nodded.
   "How old are you?" She asked and I smiled.
   "Twenty....what day is it?" I asked and she frowned.
    "September thirteenth." She explained slowly and I nodded.
   "I'm twenty-one." I finally decided, not believing that I had missed my birthday and Landon's.
   "So you had him pretty young." She whispered and I frowned, she was assuming that I was his mother? Did I even look like my nephew. He had his dad's shaggy black locks. His mom's strong mind, but his dad's kind nature. His grandfather Will's happy disposition and my dad's loyalty. His eyes were his parents. I was blonde with sea green eyes. I smirked at her and nod.
  "Yeah I was pretty young when he was born." I whispered brushing hair from his eyes.  "I'd do anything for this little guy."

A/N: Nora and Stacy were based off of the fabulous noorrasteefatima
Who has helped me with names and such on this story so shout out to them they're amazing

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