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"Marry me Queen of Darkness" he say "Be the Queen to my kingdom and Queen to my world too"

"That wasn't on the movie" I whisper making him laugh. "Or was it?"

"No it wasn't" he say "It's a part of my heart"

"Someone is being cheasy,huh" I smile. "I can't accept it though"

He looked surprised, confused and a little glint of hurt is visible. I show no emotion as I say it which makes it more conflicting.

"What! Why?!" He ask slowly trying to figure ne out, "I can do whatever you want, anything."

"Anything?!" I ask

"Anything" he replay without hesitation.

"Like leaving your kingdom?!" I see his blue white striking eyes, sparkling at the dim of light.

He takes a step back mouth wide open, surprise visible and the glare he gives me is deadly too.

"What are you saying, Lav?!" He asks.

"I don't trust the thunderians, none of them." I state "I can't just let them pass the territory abd mic with my kingdom, my people. They've suffered a lot and I don't want them to go through anything again. I want them to live happily always."

"You don't know my people" he defend "They are not monsters as you think they are. They won't do anything like that cause they've gone through a lot too."

"Listen Airis" I come closer touching his chest as he close his eyes. "We have kingdoms to lead, to supervise and control. If by any chance the two kingdoms fight one another we are going to get into a big conflict and I don't want any if that to happen to us. Not specially to us"

"Then I promise you I will stand by your side" he graves his eyes into mine "I-we will make it through everything together with our kingdoms, hand in hand just please say OK."

"Lav" I heared Kravan's sound "Trust him"

I see them all nodding, Seragon included. Then I think, I think about my future with him, my kingdoms future and his future too. It was beautiful to even think about it but then one wrong deed abd we're all off.

All the happiness, all the joy abd cherish it'll all end just with one fault.

"But you're together" Seragon speaks through mind. He nods slowly with no one watching.
"Am with you, he's with you. Don't let this go, at the very least trust me"

"Thank you" I smile mouthing him. He nods then smiles then nods again motioning me to Airis.

I smile at Airis before smashing my lips with his. He stayed shocked for a while before his hands circles my waists and he kisses me passionately. I smile through the kiss.

"You promised" I whisper to him as our foreheads touched with our breathing tangling themselves.

"I promised" he reply.
We send Adis off at the sunrise so he could get there faster. Now the castle is silent, it looks dark. Like a dark cave with no one inside just you.. alone.

Kravan went to his room, now that he has no Kira, and his Son is gone he feels empty. It's obvious even though he deny it. His voice is silent as he talks, he doesn't laugh that much nor smile ear to ear, just a glint then back to place.

As Javens and Xanter sat feeling the emptiness too, it was always Kiran who makes them laugh and compute them. Now there is no one to do that for them as Xavi went to her own castle too.

I sat between the two and tried lifting the mood abd it kinda worked since they went to yell at each other and start their game to see who the winner is.

Smiling to myself I made my way to Kravan. Slowly knocking on the door I wait for his reply but nothing was heared. The room was quite and no light as I open the door.

I made my way to the bed where Kravan pretends to be asleep. I sat beside him grooming his hair trying to sooth him. He sighs and turns around resting his head in my thighs.

"You know she wouldn't be happy right" I ask making my voice slow as possible.

"She could see that am not happy too" he closes his eyes. "She could've at least told me that she knew she was gonna die"

"Kravan" I sigh "You know she can't break any rule of her power, besides if she told you what would you do"

"Try to save her?!" I continue when he stayed silent "You know that isn't possible, also she knew you would be in this state wasn't that why she write you the paper" I say remembering the paper that had fallen the other day and Kravans name was craved on it.

"She said she loved me the most, and that she would totally hate me if I stayed like I am now" he smile "She said she knew I would be like this so she gave me her precious necklace to give me the joy she used to give me. She know it wouldn't, she knew she was my only joy and the only reason I was alive and she, what did she do"

I hug him tighter as I realize he is about to cry, with his voice cracking. After half an hour of seating just like that he sigh.

"But you know" he smile "you're right, I should live for her too. She shall be happy up there. Am sure She'll feel bad if she was here now and well, I am definitely sure my eavesdropping wife is watching me now"

I laugh and he continued too.

"Thank you, Lav" he smile after couple of seconds.

"What are friends for" I smile.

"Now get Uo and let's go to the dorks before they fight again" I smile and he chuckle.

"Will be following you,  just seconds" he smile.

Nodding I made my way to the door of his room until he called my name pausing me.

"Yeah" I say turning to see his handsome smile.

"Am happy for you," he smile "Am sure Airis will keep you happy, Kira has always wished for it"

I smile "Looks like she knew before me"

"She used to ramble about how your kids will be cute and all"

"Am sure she is rambling now too"
A/N: Epilogue left people, wish me a good kuch and give me the buttons up would you...

U: well-

Me: Please *puppy face*

U: Always with a puppy face, yak


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