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   Here are the names of my characters so you won't confuse them....

     Lavania- Queen of darkness
     Airis- King of Thunder
     Javens- King of Vampires
     Karvan- King of Werewolves
     Kiran- Visioner
     Xanter- King if Dragons
This are team one of my book while the ff are team two
    Kalagona- Queen of Brightness
     Sandra- Queen if Airbenders
    Zelos- King of Rockers
    Mendam- King of Waterflowers

So Airis isn't in team one he's alone...I thought he fits there so I just punched him to seat there....hehe

    If you maybe didn't understand the words here are the meanings
       Visioners are people who can get a glimpse of the future and can see through eyes and read minds, they can dream if what's gonna happen in few minutes or even what's happening now at the other kingdom or world...

     Airbenders are people who can control the air or wind with their ability

   Rockers are people who can control rock materials

  Waterflowers are people who can control any kind if water forms

     Queen of Brightness  is a queen who can bring light to your heart and create things but can't destroy

   Queen of Darkness is a queen who can create, destroy also have the ability to control minds. She has every power in team 2 but not one or thunderian.

    Thunderians are people who can control thunder strikes and all...

      So guys what did I left...yeah nothing so hope u enjoy the book...
                              With Love

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