Chapter 32 - Waiting Games

Start from the beginning

Rufus scanned the front garden and then rested his eyes on Alexia, "Take care, Alexia."
"You too, Father," replied Alexia, "I'll see you at the end of the term?"
"Yes, I'll see you then," Rufus said. "Goodbye now."
The two hugged for one last time. Rufus placed a small kiss on Alexia's forehead. Then, with his bag in his hand, he began walking; off the porch, down the driveway and out the beautiful double gates. He turned and looked at the manor and his daughter for what would be the last time for a good couple of weeks. After several slow moments, he turned on the spot and disapperated. just like that, he was gone.


After a quiet day and evening at the Malfoy Manor, Draco found himself in the formal living room which had an old yet glamorous bar in the far corner, pouring himself a drink. Not long after he had arrived, Alexia joined him.

She emerged from the dark hallway with only the light from her wand illuminating her fine feautures. She had thrown a khaki coat over her revealing, silk nightdress, and her hair was down; tousled waves sat lazily on each shoulder.

"What?" She asked.

Draco quickly looked away; embarrassed he had been caught staring. "Oh- nothing. Here." He slid a drink along the bar top.

She stopped it swiftly with her dainty hands, "Thanks."

Draco raised his glass, "Here's to making it this far," he toasted.

Alexia smirked and raised her glass, "Here, here!" she said. she lightly tapped her glass against his before touching her red lips to the glass and taking a sip.

"What do you think is happening out there?" Draco said, looking towards the window.

"What do you mean?" Alexia asked.

"Well, with the Dark Lord and your father... even mine."

Alexia shook her head, "I honestly don't know anymore."

"Father seems stressed. He hides it when we're around but I saw him with Mother today and he looked worried." Draco told Alexia.

"What do you think's going on?"

"I'm not certain. I don't have much of an idea to be completely honest. It could be anything."

Alexia nodded and took another sip of her drink.

It was quiet for a little while as the two were consumed by thoughts.

"Are you ever worried?" Alexia asked eventually.

"About what?" Draco asked.

"That something could happen and you could lose your family?"

Draco opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again before any words could get out.

Alexia shook her head, "What am I saying? You would never admit you're even the tiniest bit worried."

Draco found this slightly amusing and couldn't help but let a small smirk make its way to his face.

Alexia, too, couldn't help but smile, "Only thing you worry about anyway is making sure people fear you."

"That, Alexia, sounds more like you!" Draco replied.

Alexia tilted her head, "Mm, it does," she said rather happily. "And that reminds me, tomorrow my return has to be better than ever. I have to make sure I'm still feared, people always seem to slacken off after Easter."

Draco nodded in overly-exaggerated interest.

"Will you stop?!" Alexia exclaimed, nudging him in the shoulder.

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