Youtuber AU

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This is also a no-quirk AU

3rd POV

Kaminari sets up the camera while Sero sets up the game. The two roommates (Oh my god, they were roommates!) started a YouTube channel a while back, just for fun whenever they got bored. Suddenly out of nowhere, they began gaining tons of subscribers. They soon became very well known on the site because of their mix between skits and gaming videos. The viewers would ship them, and they even came up with a ship name: electrical tape. You'd need to watch their videos to understand. You would think that the boys would be annoyed when they are shipped with each other, considering they're best friends, but they're both oblivious pining idiots who don't realise the others obvious (and terrible) attempts of flirting.

"Kami! You ready?" Sero calls at his best friend, waiting for him to finish setting up the camera. "Nearly, dude. Calm your ass cheeks." The other responds in a joking tone. Soon enough, the camera is set up and the video begins. Or so they thought. Unknown to them, Kaminari clicked the wrong button and began to livestream. "Yo dudes, welcome back to another video. Today we're going to be playing-" Kaminari starts, but is interrupted by the other male, "Because we're money hungry bitches and need mid rolls to feed my fat ass," Kaminari chuckles at the joke, Sero turning a very slight pink. "Well, as I was saying before I got RUDELY interrupted by this asshole," Kaminari puts his arm around Sero's shoulders and pulls him closer. "We're going to be playing Tamodachi life. Right, Sero, you got the game or are you too lazy to get of your fat ass to get it?" Kaminari jokes, putting air quotes around 'fat ass'. Sero sends a playful glare to his best friend, "I know I said it myself but please don't be a bitch and tease me about it." All Kaminari does as a response is giggle like a school girl.

About 30 minutes into the 'recording' and a few fake arguments later, the boys finally get themselves in the game. Sero, as a joke, puts his and Kaminari's Mii into the compatibility tester claiming it was 'for science'. That's when he begins to sport a cocky smile and shows the 3DS to his smaller companion. "Well I guess we're dating now. Tamodachi life says we have 97% compatibility. That should say enough." Kaminari looks at the screen, staring at the compatibility of the Mii's and then laughs, a shade Of red dusting his cheeks. "What was that? A lame attempt of flirting with me?" The blond winks at his crush with a sudden surge of confidence. "I- wha- no- ye- no. Nope. It was NOT. In your dreams." The raven haired male splutters, red beginning to coat his features as a result. The blonde chuckles lowly, already set on flustering the taller male. Kaminari leans closer to Sero so their faces are only centimetres apart, "Are you sure?". Sero only flushes deeper and concentrates on his erratic breathing. This only makes the blonde chuckle more. By now, the 3DS is on the floor and the 'recording' is long forgotten. "So you're not trying to flirt with me, hm?" Kaminari asks, not moving away from the raven haired male. The closeness between them makes it easy for the blonde to see the redness of Sero's cheeks. At this point the chat had realised this wasn't supposed to be a livestream. Unluckily for the boys, the hashtag '#electricaltapeiscannon' was already trending on twitter. Sero makes an unintelligible noise and pushes Kaminari away. "I- I'm gonna go." Before the smaller of the two could protest, Sero already walked out of the room. Kaminari's face fell as tears began to well up in his eyes. That's when he got up to turn off the camera and notices his mistake. "Oh shit. Uh... hi?" The blonde says to the audience of 3 million people. "Well I guess there's no point of turning this shit off now," he says, wiping the tears at his eyes. He grabs his phone to look at the live chat. It's filled with questions about what just occurred. "I'm fine, for all of you asking. And no, we aren't together. That's- that's-" Kaminari couldn't even finish his sentence before bursting out in tears. "I- I'm sorry gu- uys. I'm gonna g-go." The blonde stands up and ends the accidental livestream and calls the only person who might be able to help.

"Okay what happened, you look like you just got electrocuted one thousand times." Mina says as she walks in, closing the door and taking a seat next to the sobbing Kaminari. "All jokes aside, you look really rough... What happened? Why didn't you just talk to S-" The blonde puts his hand over Mina's mouth, muffling the dreaded name. "I don't wanna he-hear that name," he stutters out between sobs. Mina just sits next to Kaminari and calms him until he's not crying and able to talk without stuttering. "Okay, are you able to tell me what happened?" The pink-haired girl asks. The blonde just picks up his phone, goes on twitter and clicks on the trending page, showing the girl the hashtag. "Oh shit... What did you do?" She questions in a soft tone. "Well, we were filming a video but I clicked a wrong button and we began live streaming instead. Of corse I had to be stupid and flirt with him. I guess I went to far and he-" the boy begins to tear up again, "He walked out of the dorm room and I don't know what to do." He starts to cry a bit and holds onto Mina like his life depended on her. "I'll message Sero, see where he is."

With Sero, just after he walked out

Sero closes the door and begins to walk towards Kirishima's dorm as he's the closest one to him. Once he gets there, tears are already falling down his face. He opens the door without knocking and walks in on Bakugou and Kirishima studying. "Yo what's-" Kirishima starts, he turns to look at the person who barged into his room and gasps lightly, "Hold on what's wrong?" He asks, walking towards the taller of the three and pulling him into a hug. "I don't know what to do," Sero states, confusing the two other people in the room. "What the fuck are you talking about, soy sauce?" Bakugou asks, the closest he can get to being nice. "Well he- no- Kaminari and I were just recording a video."

Sero finishes explaining the incident to his two friends. Bakugou looks at the raven haired boy, a look of confusion on his face. "You dipshits," he grumbles. "Hey Bakugou? What do you mean?" Sero asks, desperate for help. "One Of you finally make a move and then you wuss out! When the fuck will you two stop being so goddamn useless and finally get your shit together! Ask each other out already!" The explosive boy shouts and turns towards the red-head, "Knock some sense into this dipshit before I knock him out." Kirishima looks at Bakugou and smiles brightly, "C'mon Bakugou, that isn't very manly if you ask me." To that, the blonde scoffs and sits back down on the bed to continue his algebra homework he was helping Kirishima complete. "Anyways, what Bakugou here was trying to say was try and talk to him. It's obvious he likes you back so just tell him how you feel!" The red-head explains helpfully. Sero begins to realise why everyone else say the two should date, they are perfect for each other, even if they don't realise it themselves yet. "Thank you. Both of you." Sero says. "No pro-" Kirishima is interrupted by Sero's phone. He picks it up and reads the message.

AlienBitch: 'Hey Sero! I had a call from Kaminari and he didn't sound good. I came over and he explained what happened. You need to come back. Right now.'

Sero shows the red-head his phone, thanks him again and leaves, sprinting down the hall and getting shouted at by Iida as he runs passed him. Once he gets to the dorm room, he walks in and walks up to the blonde mess. "H- hey." Kaminari looks up at Sero, jumps up and attacks him, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. The smaller of the two begins to cry, repeating 'I'm so sorry' over and over and over again. "Hey, hey,  clam down," Sero try's, running his fingers through the blondes matted hair. Mina gives the taller male a thumbs up and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. "I'm sorry for walking out, it was the first thing I could think of. It's hard to think rationally when your crush is that close to you," Sero explains, still holding onto Kaminari even though he stopped crying. "Your crush?" The blonde questions, pulling away from the hug and looking at the other male. "Yeah," he reply's. "Well, maybe I can try what I had in mind earlier. You know I like you now so there's no reason to run off," Kaminari states. He leans in closer to the raven haired male and smiles sweetly. Instead of backing away, this time he leans in closer, catching the blond in a kiss. The blonde quickly reciprocates and runs his hands through the other male's silky hair. After what felt like an eternity of bliss, Kaminari pulls away and chuckles breathily. "We have to livestream," is all the smaller male says. "So you're thinking about YouTube just after your first kiss?" Sero teases, gaining a playful glare from Kaminari. "No- I mean- well.... when we were recording, I might've accidentally clicked the wrong button and started a livestream," the blonde admits. Sero's jaw drops and his eyes go wide for a second before he laughs. "You're an idiot. C'mon, let's explain what's the hell that just was to our fans."

Authors note:
Well shit. I haven't updated in ages and I decided to write this really late at night. On a school night. I'm an idiot. Well enough of my troubles. Thank you for reading and all the comments and votes. I hop e this chapter is okay, I had to rush the ending so I don't go asleep too late.


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