Pining For So Long

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Kaminari's POV

"I gotta tell you, your pretty annoying when you want to be," I deadpan. Sero gasps and takes a step back, holding a hand to his chest. "My love! You wound me!" He looks at me in fake misery. I sigh, fed up with his antics. "See this is what I mean. I'm trying to study and your doing this. Please for my sake, or for bakugou's wrist, please be quiet." He looks at me confused but then he nods, "Okay fine, but one last question. What the hell do you mean by 'for Bakugou's wrist'?" I groan and face plant into my desk. "He said he'll smack me 1000 times if I fail." I hear Sero laugh lightly. I sigh and carry on with my revision.

*10 minutes later*

I put my pen up to my lip to concentrate. It's a habit of mine that I've never stopped. I see Sero glance at me, smile, and go back to his phone. I shrug it off and carry on revising. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. I feel Sero staring again but whenever I look over I see him turn away. I look at him, about to ask if he was okay when he starts to stand up. I decide to ignore it and go back to my studies but I feel a hand on my shoulder that makes me tense up. I may have forgotten a tiny detail. Only a small one. Who am I kidding, I'm in love with my best friend and when he does things like this I become a mess. I feel sweat accumulating at my brow bone. He looks at me and I look back. "You seem really tense, I think you should have a break." Sero suggests. I look at him and sigh in relief and annoyance. When I said he can be annoying, it was more about his obliviousness than his usual self but I couldn't tell him that, could I? "Yeah... Yeah your right. We should go to the park, get some ice cream or something." He looks at me. "Kami it's -4°, we aren't getting ice cream." I giggle as he says -4°, My childish side taking over. "What's so funny?" Sero asks, looking through my wardrobe for one of his jumpers I've stolen. As I said, he's oblivious and I'm so obvious it's annoying. Imagine you've been pining and flirting with a guy you like for 3 years and they think it's just 'bros being bros'. Yes, he is that oblivious. He grabs one of his hoodies, "I still cant believe you steal my clothes, I've been looking for this jumper for ages!" He looks at me, groans, and walks over to me. He grabs my jumper sleeve, "This is mine too, isn't it?" I giggle and nod. "Sorry, they're just too comfy!" He looks at me in the eyes then looks to somewhere on my face then back to my eyes. I couldn't tell where he was looking exactly. He leans closer and grabs my (his) jumper collar. My breath hichs and my mouth goes dry. He leans in. Then he decides to unknowingly tease me by whispering into my ear, "You little bitch," ruining everything. I push him away from me, stand up and walk towards the door. Sero immediately realised he's upset me. "Kami are you okay? I'm sorry I got too close to you, I know you freak out about personal space." I look over to the raven-haired male. I may have lied and said I freak out when people get in my personal space so I have an excuse to get flustered when he does things like this. "Just don't worry," I walk out of the room and walk towards the only other LGBTQ+ person who I trust with this sacred information.

"OPEN UP YOU STONE ASS BITCH!" I shout and pound on the door waiting for it to open. I see a familiar red-head answer groggily. "Wha?" Kirishima asks. He's obviously just woken up from some sort of nap. "I need major help with the s-situation." He immediately snaps out of his sleepy state, gasps, grabs my arm and pulls me into his dorm room. "Okay, what about the Sero-situation?" I glare at him playfully. "I told you to call it the s-situation so it isn't as obvious!" I whine. "Sorry, sorry!" Kirishima apologises as expected of him. "No need to be sorry! Now onto the s-situation." I began to pour every tiny detail about what had happened. How Sero leaned in as if he was going to kiss me. The look in his eyes as he did so. The actual outcome. Every. Single. Detail. By the end of my extremely long explanation, Kirishima looks at me with confusion. "What the hell? I thought he said he lik..." He mutters under his breath, the last part of his sentence too quiet for me to hear. I grumble and turn to Kirishima. "I'll just talk to him tomorrow, thanks for helping me." Kirishima nods and goes to let me out. "Good luck, come by anytime!" I wave and walk out. Time to deal with the s-situation alone! Fun.

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