Chapter 19 - Pizza

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Okay, breath in and out, in and out.. No need to die now. There's only the hottest guy ever here, and he wants to take you out on another date.

I don't know why I get so excited about everything that has to do with Michael, but it all seems so unreal. This is probably a dream, and I will soon wake up at the hospital again.

Oh god please, don't let this be a dream.

"You truly are a gentleman, Clifford!" I winked back at him and he gave me a smirk and said, "yeah, a punk rock gentleman."

"You're as punk rock as a bunny. And they're not punk rock by the way," I smiled and he took his hand to his heart, faking heartache, "ouch Melodie. You're mean, I'm as punk rock as one can be!" I laughed at his silly reaction. "By the way, bunnies are very punk rock!" He added. "Maybe in your dreams, ya silly goose." I don't know where 'silly goose' came from, that sounded really weird.

He just shook his head and giggled. Michael grabbed my hand and we talked about the most random things you can think off. We laughed and shared a few cute moments with each other. But it also got awkward sometimes.

Sometimes, I get the feeling that he likes me, but then he brings up his ex and maybe he still loves her. Maybe I'm just his rebound because he can't forget about his ex?

But he also said that this was a date..

Why are guys so complicated? If he liked me, would he really bring her up and tell me that he met her outside a pizzeria? I don't think so.

Apparently she worked there and Michael saw her, fell for her, got her.

I have no use for that information! I don't care how he met his ex, seriously..

"There it is!" The adorable green eyed boy beside me exclaimed and ran towards a big sign, and since he still held my hand, I flew after him. I laughed over his silliness, as I normally do, and he laughed too, probably because he was excited.

"You must really love pizzas!" I said once we were outside the doors to the pizzeria. Where he met his ex. Okay, I'm sorry.. I don't know why, but it actually bugs me that they met where he's taking me for our date now.

"Don't even joke about it." Michael said trying to sound serious, but failed because he grinned before opening the door, allowing me to walk in first and then he followed right behind me.

"Shall we take a family pizza or two regular?" Michael asked me. "Family pizza sounds good for me!" I answered. "What toppings do you want?" He asked and walked up to the cashier. "Surprise me!" I gave him a big smile, and he returned it before turning his head to the man behind the checkout.

While he ordered the pizza, I looked around the small pizzeria. It was a cozy place, with light blue walls and a few black tables with chairs. There was three paintings with hand painted art on it. It had all different colors and where really unique. MTV was on the TV they had, and they showed a music video from One Direction called "Story Of My Life".

"Can you take this to a table?" Michael spoke, and I turned my head so I was facing him. "Yeah" I simply said and took the two sodas from his hands.

I walked to a table near the Tv so I could hear the music better, but Michael stayed at the checkout, waiting for the pizza to be ready. I sat and daydreamed about everything. I thought about my family, and I wanna tell Michael everything, but I don't know how.. Should I just blurt out everything or maybe it's for the best if I just shut my mouth? Maybe Michael will think I'm some kind of freak and run away from me? I mean, why would he wanna be with me if my family is a bunch of weirdos and there's so many other girls he can choose, that is prettier and probably funnier. Okay, I'll just let it go, and tell him when I know for sure that he loves me and won't leave me because of my stupid family.

"Here's the pizzas" I looked away from the TV and my eyes went to a smiling Michael. "Finally!" I exclaimed and took a piece of the pizza. It was delicious with tomatoes, salad, cucumbers, kebab and white sauce all over it. "Thank you for ordering this, it taste like heaven!" I said a bit overexcited. He chuckled, and when I looked over at him, he had sauce all around his mouth.

I started to laugh and he looked at me like I was an alien or something. "What?" He asked confused and took another bit of a slice. "Here," I said and gave him a knife, "look at yourself, and find what's wrong." I winked and drank from my soda, which also tasted like heaven, just putting it out there.

"Oh god, I'm sorry.. This is awkward.." He mumbled and reached for a napkin that he had in font of him. "It's not that awkward, and you look adorable," I grinned at him and he shook his head, "This is indeed awkward Mel.. Here I am on a date with a beautiful girl, and I have white sauce all over my face, looking like a fool next to her." He said and looked at himself in the knife. "You look amazing, and-" I froze when I heard a girls voice screaming my name. Sophie. Oh my god, just kill me now, and save me from the pain that's waiting for me.

"Who's she?" Michael asked me and looked at the girl and gave her a heart warming smile.

He wouldn't smile like that if he knew her..

"Uhm.. This is Sophie.. My little sister," I faked a smile and then I pointed to Michael, and said "This is Michael.. A.. Uhm.. Friend of mine.." I swallowed nervously and I hope that nothing bad would happen to him, now that Sophie knows he's my "friend". But it's safer to call him a friend than saying that we're dating.

"Where's mom and Stephan?" I looked around but couldn't find them anywhere. "They are in the car, I saw you from the window and well, they wanted me to come and get you!" She spoke really fast, and I looked over at Michael and saw a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

"But I'm out with my friend now, I'll be home in an hour or so?" I didn't want to ditch my date for my family. They're not worth it, and I can't just leave Michael like that. I wanna stay with him, and feel safe.

"Sure, but daddy won't like it, and it will be worse." The devil said and looked at Michael, "Bye, nice meeting you," and turned around.

"Wait! Sophie!" I yelled after her, which caused me a few stares from some random people. She stopped, and I turned to Michael, who looked really confused by the way, "I'm so sorry, but I got to go. I loved going out with you, and thank you for everything," I stood up and Michael did the same. He hugged me and whispered, " My pleasure. And Melodie, please.. If anything is wrong, you have to tell me.."I let go of him and gave him a nod and a honest smile before following my sister to the car.

I have to tell Michael. Next time I see him, I'll tell him. He'll help me. He'll keep me safe.

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