Now as Dinah sat and stared at the wall with her heart In pieces. The other girls in the room tried to get her to play with them, but she just shook her head and scribbled lines on a paper.

Oh to be lonely, Dinah thought as she colored, wishing and hoping her favorite people could just walk through the door.

But everyday, the door stayed unwavering and so did that familiar aching pain of sadness.


Time drew by slowly, for the empty seven-year old. School counselor visits and therapy sessions felt like a chore, the light that had once been burning blew out. Recess turned into sitting against the wall and drawing small shapes on the gravel with chalk. Playfully arguing with teachers about whether doing subtraction was a necessity, flipped to Dinah doing her work in a silent solemn attitude.

The only thing that reminded her of home was the little necklace that hung loose around her neck. That still reminded her one day she'd find her people again.

And with time came new homes. That little group home that reminded of her first memories blurred into the back of her mind. But finally she found nice people. A couple, a husband and a wife, how saw the dimming light in the girl. And the first day meeting them Dinah just looked at then with tired eyes, just hoping she wouldn't have to move to another home. She just wanted stability.

First stepping on the creaky porch with her social worker's hand on her back made her slightly nauseous. The door opener to show two kind looking adults. They both smiled as soon they laid eyes on the nervous child.

"Hey guys, I'm Melissa, and this is Chris. Come on in!" the blonde woman days cheerfully. The social worker smiled and gently pushes Dinah forward. Dinah hesitantly steps into the home, her eyes looking around the simple three bedroom house. Melissa lets to Dinah's height. She puts out her hand, and Dinah takes it with a little shake.

"Hey sweetheart, we're really happy you're here. Me and my husband have been really excited to meet you. You wanna see your room?" she asks softly, trying to meet the little girl's nearly emotionless eyes. The Polynesian shrugs, looking at her loose shoelaces. Melissa smiles softly and stands.

The social worker explains Dinah is a little shy and sad because of all the moving. Melissa and Chris quickly reassure her it's okay before the woman squeezes Dinah's shoulder and leaves the home after shaking the couples' hands. Melissa holds out her hand in a friendly offering. Dinah looks up slightly. She nods to the hall.

"Come on kid, let's check out that room of yours." she offers gently. The girls sigh before nodding and slipping her small hands into her foster mothers.

The couple leads her down the hall into a medium-sized room. A little smile appears on Dinah's face when she sees its fully decorated with a bed, desk, dresser, and even a little play tent. She slowly enters the room and looks around.

"This is your room for as long as you're with us, which we're hoping is a while." Chris explains, gently placing his hand on Dinah's shoulder.

Dinah drops the trash bag filled with her belongings onto the floor and nods, fighting to keep the little smile off her face. She turns toward them and nods again.

"Thank you." she replies quietly. The duo smiles happily. Melissa squeezes her husband arm.

"Of course Dinah. You are in this house, which means you're family. Come on now, let's get some lunch I made earlier. I'm hungry!" she exasperated dramatically. Dinah lets the cheeky smile slip over her frown as she follows her.


In the few weeks that pass, Dinah learns her greatest strengths are only amplified with Melissa and Chris. She knows she's great at making jokes, especially when trying to make her new foster-sister, Rebecca or Becky, smile. The two become inseparable in a few days and the couple who have become new parents of two children can see how they radiate happiness off of each other.

And Dinah especially understands that when the two adults sit the girls down and tell them their adoptions are through and in a few months they'll officially be apart of the Wood family. In pure ecstasy, Dinah and Becky throw their little arms as much as they can around their foster parents, because they know they've finally found home.

And while things become easier, new memories still don't block out the older ones and Dinah finds herself feeling sad when she gets sent photos from the group home from a past caretaker, who had sent them to dinah's social worker. She spends some nights crying from bad things in her past, but everytime Melissa and Chris pull her close and reassure her that she's safe with them.

And slowly but surely, everything falls into place.

Things just make sense with her new family. And Dinah has learned even more at her young age. She now knows for one, that there are people who love her and people will stay in your life. She also knows family does mean forever, because Becky, Melissa and Chris have proven that to her, not matter how hard she might try to fight them or push them away.

She also knows there a lot of things that mean forever. She is taught this especially when a month after she is placed in their home, she also them if she can call then mom and dad. And of course the two pepper the girl's little face with happy kisses, grinning from ear to ear and saying yes so much it's engraved in Dinah's head.

So even when her fingers play with the little compass necklace, she knows in some way its guided her home and the tears in her heart her getting repaired stitch by stitch.


Also, I can't express enough the happiness you're guys' support for this story that ya'll are giving me. Often I'm really sad and feeling empty, but your comments and any way in which you show support has really given me a lot of inspiration and over joy. Thank you guys so much I owe it to you. Also I try to update my other books this weekend. Remember how wonderful you are, lovelies ❤❤

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