Chapter 7

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~ Memories

"Mommy, mommy! Jay hit me!"

"Thats not true! You're lying!"

"Jay, how dare you hurt your sister?! Go to your room and dont come out!"


"Shut the hell up and go to your room!"

A heavy object was thrown at the small boys direction.


"Oh dont be a wimp. Now go!"

Jay dragged himself to his room, locking the door behind him. His leg was bleeding, and cuts and scraches littered his body. His leg burned, screaming out in pain.

But sadly, he was used to it. He went into his bathroom and took out his now large first aid kit. Cleaning the wound, he wrapped it in gauze. For the smaller ones, he added some gel to prevent them from getting infected.

Filling the tub with water, Jay stared at his reflection. It was plain, almost indiffrent. But as they say, the eyes are the window to the soul. His eyes showed nothing more than pain. It was a strange sight, for a small child to feel this way. But alas, the world isnt fair.

Jay climed inside the water with his clothes still on and sat there, hugging his knees to his chest and burrying his face between them.

The world isnt fair. I have to learn to cope with it.

But you want to do something.

Nobody loves me, oh well.

But you hate them all.

I wont let them get to me.

But you want to do something.Let the anger flow.


But you know you want.


A wimp. Thats what you are. Let it go. Let me help you.

Shut up.

I am part of you. We all are. Let us help.


I wont go away. You know I wont.


.........Jay, ignore them. They are just voices.


Now is not my time. But you must know you are not alone. We are all here for you. The day will come. Hang in there.

Flashback end~

I want to punch a wall right now.

Jay was sitting on his desk, listening to Kaminari and Mineta talk about whatever pervs talk about.

I wonder how we even ended up as friends.

Looking around, Jays eyes landed on the duo haired boy. He had always avoided him, and maybe, just maybe made it obvious. He didnt even notice he was glaring until Kirishima told him.

"Break is over."

That were the only words said so everyone could go to their seats. The next class was hero basic traning and it was exciting.

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