'19' caught

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My feet dangled from the table I sat on. It was ten past eleven, break was about to start and Jaehyun should arrive at any minute.

I wasn't particularly nervous since he was suspecting something about me and Taeyong anyway, what bothered me more was that he said he wanted to talk first.

Normally, Jaehyun would just text me his deepest life secrets but specifically wanting to meet up implied a special occasion.

For a split second I considered the possibility of an impending confession but the thought was so absurd I immediately forgot about it.

I straightened my skirt as the door opened, not even paying attention to Jaehyun entering.

At least I thought it was him.

"Taeyong?", my voice went up a few octaves.

He spun around as if he hadn't even noticed my presence. His silver hair was unusually messy, something seemed off.

After his intial shock, Taeyong's expression changed, a warm smile lighting up his face.

"I'm so glad to see you, are you still mad?", he walked up to me, unsure of how close he should get.

We hadn't spoken to each other in person since the incident, so it was a legitimate question. However, I was unsure of how to answer, especially since his presence made me lose the ability to think straight, as usual.

"Look, I'm still so incredibly sorry. I just... please don't be angry at me", his eyes were full of regret, although it wasn't even his fault.

"It's okay", I put a hand on Taeyong's shoulder, hoping to reassure him.

He smiled, instantly lighting up my mood as well.

My curiosity got the better of me "Why did you come to this room in the first place?"

He shrugged, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear nonchalantly "Doesn't matter anymore"

Each times our eyes met, I didn't dare to keep contact. Until Taeyong placed a gentle hand on my cheek, forcing our gazes to lock on each other.

The tension was back stronger than ever, as if the more we were pulled apart, the stronger we were attracted to each other. How did he do this to me?

Every fibre of my body wanted him to kiss me and when he finally did, it was as if I could finally breathe again.

With one swift movement, our bodies were pressed against each other, hands tangled up in each other's hair.

Taeyong's hands slid down to my waist, every touch leaving a burning trace. If I had been unsure about my attraction towards him before, there were no doubts left now.

It was only the stern voice of my best friend that tore us apart "Why did you lie to me?"


A/N: the new stray kids album gives me so much life, especially boxer!! please leave some votes and comments if you enjoy the story ♥

A/N: the new stray kids album gives me so much life, especially boxer!! please leave some votes and comments if you enjoy the story ♥

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