'2' mind

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I froze. Was he for real? Unsure, I raised an eyebrow "You're kidding, right?"

Taeyong simply smirked "Why would I?", closing the small space left between our bodies. I gulped as his cologne intoxicated me even more. BREATHE, Aecha, breathe. My head spun, unable to form a single coherent thought – did I want this?

However, I was saved from questioning my very existence by a literal angel. Or maybe just Jaehyun. It didn't matter, because I was eternally grateful for his appearance either way.

"Guys, can you like... get a room? Or let me pass by at least", he scratched his head which made Taeyong immediately jump away. Relieved, I took a deep breath.

As Jaehyun walked past us, I mouthed a silent"Thank you" in his direction. Before the dangerous boy next to me could say another word, I already mumbled some excuse and went back to everyone else, Taeyong's eyes glued to my body again.

Monday morning terrified me. Well, usually it didn't. But ever since I had left Yuta's house on that fateful Saturday evening, my mind seemed to be set on putting my encounter with Taeyong on repeat. It annoyed me, because I had never, and I mean NEVER been the type to have my thoughts occupied by some stupid fuckboy.

With a sigh, I passed through the school gates, eyes fixed to the ground. As the scene replayed for the 1000th time, someone brushed against me. For a split second, I thought of Taeyong, but immediately shook my head. This was NOT some cliché fanfiction where the main characters keep running into each other by chance. To confirm my belief, I looked up, meeting Doyoung's eyes. A wave of relief washed over me, mixed with a hint of... disappointment?

"Hey, Aecha, how was it at Yuta's?", the raven-haired boy smiled, ripping me out of my emotional confusion.

"It was fun, Johnny broke the living room table", my gaze trailed off to the people around us, ever aware of the students passing by. How should I even act around Taeyong? It wasn't like we ever talked much or anything, but after that... offer... I was terrified of even being in the same room as him. Why did he have to make me so fucking nervous?

As my thoughts wandered back to the conversation, I noticed that I hadn't listened to one word of Doyoung's answer. He looked at me expectantly, shit, did he ask a question? Luckily, the bell rang and I waved at Doyoung with an apologetic smile before vanishing into the stream of students.



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