'3' text

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My eyelids slowly fluttered shut, the majority of what the teacher said didn't even reach my ears.

"Ya!", Yuta yell-whispered at me, following his verbal attack with a gentle shove.

I flinched, jumping up straight in my seat. Oh right, I was in school. Shit. "Ouch", I murmured while rubbing the spot where Yuta had pushed me. He pulled a 'definitely your fault'-face before turning away to face the blackboard.

I yawned, mustering the other students. There were the typical nerds like Taeil and Mark, people who played with their phone like WinWin and an awful lot like me, just waiting for the bell to finally ring. As I watched WinWin happily tapping away on his display, I got the urge to check my notifications as well. Slowly, I took out my phone, careful not to be seen by the teacher.

To my own surprise, I had actually received a new text – from Taeyong. My heart skipped a beat as I slid my finger down to unlock the device.

are you in class?

I hastily typed an answer under the table.

yeah why

ah nothing i'm just bored

The chat scrolled down automatically, revealing another message from him.

are you free after school?

When I said that we never really talked, I meant it. Why would he suddenly want to meet up with me alone? Sure, I SUSPECTED why he did but... I didn't want that.

is this about what u said on saturdayy?

He was typing for an awfully long time.

chill i just wanted to get some mcdonalds

I mentally facepalmed myself, throwing another glance at the teacher, luckily she was busy writing something on the board. As I looked back down, Taeyong had sent yet another text

never suspected you to be this thirsty 🤔

shut up

With a quick movement of my hand, the phone slid back into my backpack. That dumb conversation was not worth getting caught over at all. As the lesson finally ended, I stormed out of the room, hoping to escape my heavily beating heart.


A/N: please don't forget to vote and comment 💞 what do you think of the story so far? it's gonna get juicier soon lol

A/N: please don't forget to vote and comment 💞 what do you think of the story so far? it's gonna get juicier soon lol

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