'4' judge

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"Is someone chasing you?", Johnny took a hold of my arm, forcing me to stop my sprint. I whirled around, facing his ever so smug look. He was a year above most of my friends and me, earning him the nickname "grandpa". To be fair, Johnny had a very caring personality which – in combination with his clumsiness – added to his charms.

"Not really, boys are just annoying", I sighed, mustering the flow of students pushing into the cafeteria. My stomach began rumbling as well at the thought of food.

"Whoah, wait, since when do you have that kind of drama in your life?", Johnny raised an eyebrow as he continued "Is it, like, romantically?"

"Not like that", I blurted out immediately and signalled the tall boy to follow me into the cafeteria.

After we had gotten our food, we sat down at our friends' table. Almost everyone was there, except for a certain silver-haired boy. God, I was so weird for making such a big deal out of it. It was still only Taeyong after all.

"This isn't even warm", Winwin whined as he let his spoon drop with a disappointed face.

"Why are we still here... just to suffer?", Doyoung dramatically recited the video game quote. I couldn't help but chuckle, the guys were right, it was really disgusting.

"Ah, Aecha, care to explain what happened on Saturday?", Yuta's eyes darted to my face, seemingly looking straight into my soul.

I gulped and scratched my head "I don't know what you're talking about", there was no way he even knew about the situation.

"I freaking saw you and Taeyong doing... whatever you were doing", Jaehyun chimed in, sure that he had cornered me. Shit.

"We talked", I shrugged and took an unnecessarily big gulp of my juice box. Just play it cool.

"Oh no, it seemed like you were about to fuck right then and there", Jaehyun slammed his hand onto the table. My face went red, but before I could even answer that, Mark came to my rescue, albeit unknowingly. After he sat down, he began babbling about his PE classes, successfully changing the topic.

Judging from the others' looks however, this wasn't a closed case.



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