Chapter 14: What Can I Say?

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"After all he's said about you?! No way," I shake my head, as he cups my cheek.

"Camila, I haven't seen you talking to Shawn in weeks and he hasn't been brought up in any of our conversations at all," he confesses," you can't lose your best friend."

"I still have you," I tell him, looking into his eyes, as I pile my hand on his hand that was on my cheek.


Trust me, Camila. You need Shawn more than you need me.

"Remember when you asked me about my life story?" I change the subject.

"Kells, we don't have time for your life story," She sees a serious facial expression emerging on my face.

"Growing up, I didn't have much friends. But I wanted this like irreplaceable best friend. And one day in freshman year, I found him. And he got a girlfriend. He started spending less time with me and all her time with her. And you know what?" I start telling her a snippet of my life," the girlfriend ended up to be-" I see her blank facial expression and decide to explain my point," my point is. A best friend is always gonna there. A relationship can go south really quickly. I mean, I'm going to college next year. And we won't see each other as often as we do now.."

I see Camila struggling to hide her frown, as I just look at her," But. One thing remains the same. I will always care about you," I see a smile developing on her face. "..if you're not gonna talk to Shawn for yourself, at least. Do it for me."

"Kells, he hates you.." Camila finally says.

I try not to chuckle, going back to what I was saying about Shawn," I can tell Shawn really does care for you, he can't stand seeing you upset. I mean, I know that he can be an overprotective mother, but it's only because he cares."

" you know what happened that night..of when Shawn-" I cut Camila off with a nod. "How?"

"Doesn't matter,"  I mumur, we embrace into another hug and break apart, I whisper in her ear," Now go."


Wait..there's no way Colson would know about Shawn making me choose between them. Unless, Shawn told him himself. And why would he-maybe that's why he's so confident in Shawn.

"Danielle, when does Shawn go on?" I ask her, as she checks the schedule.

"In about 15 minutes," she looks up from clipboard. "He should be backstage now."

I nod, "Thanks."

I head back into the lobby, seeing Shawn and Alessia on the bench next to the auditorium doors and approach them.

"..Shawn, we need to talk," I tell him, as he looks up from looking at Alessia.

"I'll see you backstage in a few," Alessia kisses Shawn's cheek and walks to the backstage entrance.

I sit next to Shawn on the bench, as he looks at me, blankly," looked happy with Colson up there."

"Yeah, he's the best," I tell him, as I try not to make the conversation any awkward than it already is. "But did anything happen with you and Kells?"

"We talked a little bit before your set," Shawn finally turns to face me," Camila, I was wrong to judge Colson, ok? He's perfect for you. He clearly cares."

"Am I hearing this correctly?" I ask him, as he chuckles.

"And you were right. I should've at least asked him about what happened to get the tatt and how he got himself selling drugs," he tells me. "I feel like I was too harsh on him. Having a dad that signed a contract with a drug company to pay for his college tution that left 10 years before the contract lease seems hard enough to deal with.."

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