Chapter 12: Even When We're Not Together

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Wow, it's been 2 weeks already. And Camila's still with that drug dealer. I just wish she'd just listen to me once. I'm just trying to look out for her.

Me: hi

Read 9/7, 11:33PM

I really screwed up, didn't I?

Alessia: sorry u kinda did honey

Me: well i appreciate ur honesty

Unlike Colson's lying ass.


I can't believe Shawn would actually go that far to..end our friendship. Wow. It's been 2 weeks since it all happened and I'm still trying to process it...

Shawnito: hi

We were sitting on the couch, side by side, in slience, our hands met and Colson decides to break the silence," What's up?"

"Nothing much," I fib, knowing he'll force the truth out of me at one point.

"Let me rephrase that," he says, turning to face me and looks into my eyes," what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I try not break into tears, thinking about that night.

I remembered I cried that night. All night.

He looks deep into my eyes and squeezes my hand.

Shawn was wrong to judge Kells. He never wanted to be a drug dealer, and he isn't anymore. This was all his dad's fault. Only if he'd listen to my reasoning just once...


"Did you just ask me why Camila doesn't wanna be your friend anymore?" I ask Shawn, as he shoots me with a look with disrespect.

"He doesn't deserve Camila. Why does she always go for all the baddies?" Shawn spats.

"Maybe because..well, have you even seen her life?" I asked him, as he tries not to facepalm.

"Do I need to answer that?" He sighs.

"Shawn, he WAS a drug dealer-"

"You sound exactly like Camila," I say, annoyed.

"I'm just saying, give the guy a chance," I shrug.

"I did. And look how that turned out," I burst out angrily.

"I'm talking about now. Give him a chance now," I clarify the meaning behind my advice.

He sighs, as he brushes his fingers through his hair, frustrated.


Drug dealer. Ex drug dealer. Same thing. Drug dealer, once. Drug dealer, always.

Me: stay away from camila


I know I somehow screwed up Shawn and Camila. And I feel so damn guilty for it. I should've known Shawn would figure out the truth...I'm just glad I didn't lose Camila. Not yet, anyways.

"Tell me," I calmly say, still looking deep into her eyes and look down at our interwined hands.

"Shawn and I-we got-into a-," Tears slowly roll down her cheeks, as she tries to talk between tears,"..fight. Please don't think it's your fault."

I already know it is..

I give her a sympatheric look, as I wipe her tears with my thumb.

We become silent, I put my hands around her neck and embrace her into a hug.

After a few seconds, we break apart, and I cup her cheek, looking into her eyes," I promise, everything'll will be alright," and with that being said, I kiss her on the forehead.

Shawn: stay away from camila

Or it won't.

"You excited for our concert next week, Kells?" Camila asks, developing a smile.

Wow, I almost forgot about that. Maybe it will get better.

What Can I Say?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang