"But she has sleeves?" her eyebrows furrowed "And the ones on her thighs and feet, even one her stomach?"

I had only been paying half attention but the last word made me cough.

"You-you've seen it?" I gaped.

"The one on her side?"

I nodded slowly.

"Uh...um well not really. More like on accident I suppose, she had been jumping on the trampoline outside and I got a flash of it."

Not realizing I had stepped closer to her our eyes were at the same level. "Do you know what it is?"

"No, just that it seems pretty dark colored." giving a look of interest she continued "Why what is it?"

Shaking my head, I took a step back before casually leaning on the counter "It's not my place to tell."

"I asked her myself, but she got all defensive and blew up in my face."

I snorted "That's A-" Catching my almost slip up I pretended to cough "Sca-ar for you."

"Has she always been like that?"

"Rude and ignorant?" I continued "Or generous and caring?"

"Both I suppose."

"No. Believe it or not Scar used to be kind of shy. When I met her she was already a troublemaker, but she can be real quiet without realizing she is."

"How did you two meet?"

"At a party. I caught her eye apparently, though I'm almost positive it had something to do with my hair." I chuckled.

"It suits you."

"Thank you. The first thing Scar did was insult it, though she was bloody wasted at the time and tried to kiss me various of times that night--no matter how many times I gave her a good whack 'cross the head. She was a persistent little shit."

"She really likes you, you know." Ellison let out "She talked about you all the time."

"I know." The corners of my lips tilted up. "She talked about you too."

"Really?" The shock was evident on her face.

"Well you and your brothers. She even mentioned your friend--the one with the blue hair I think?--how her and Jerome seem to have a thing between them."

"Ariana and Jerome?" Ellison's tone made me realize that this blue haired female told her best friend nothing of what had happened the night April and young Gabriel walked in on them flirting.

"Bollocks. Not again." I scratched the back on my neck, my piercing sliding slightly.

"It was nice to meet you Winter." The furrow was deep between her brows and I knew I had to say something quick to make up for my slip up.

"Scar told me Jerome was trying to flirt. Maybe the reason this Blue didn't say anything was because it probably meant nothing. Don't let a small thing get you worked up Ellison--I've seen what anger does to people. If you think negative, negative is what you will receive. Think positive, and everything will work itself out."

After my short monologue she seemed deep in thought before finally nodding.

"You're right. Thank you." Walking out she stopped at the doorway "You're not what I expected you would be, Fall."

"Good or bad?"

"Good I guess."

I smiled "It's Winter by the way."

Taming Scar (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now