Karaoke Bar

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Shinichi didn't know what had gotten into him to give in to Sonoko's and Ran's nagging but at the end, he found himself with the two girls in front of a karaoke bar.
"So, why did you want me to come this bad? Not enough of 'tease Shinichi's vocal talents' yet?" the male asked, annoyance visible on his face.

"Nope!" Sonoko grinned and hooked herself into Shinichi's arm.
"I need your freaky detective geek skills! There's this ultra cute boy named Kuroba working in the bar and I really need you to find out what his type is~"
Shinichi stared at her as if she had grown a second head. Him?! Checking out a guy for her?! After she had called him freaky?
"Sonoko, I-"
"No buts! We'll go now. That's gonna be a fun evening!" Ran exclaimed and hooked herself onto Shinichi's other side. Now both girls dragged him into the karaoke bar and at this moment Shinichi knew, he had lost.

All three of them sat down and took a look at the cards on the table. Shinichi eyed the collection of food and drinks with a displeased expression. Either fastfood or sweets, nothing he was in the mood for.
"I'll take nachos and a coke," Ran said, pulling him back into reality. He hadn't even noticed the waiter asking for their orders and now that he looked up, he could feel his heart flutter.
Messy brown hair, a white hemd below a black vest, a smile able to melt iron and these cheekbones... Shinichi knew for sure, if he would caress his cheek, he could cut himself on them.
"May I take your order too?" he cooed, indigo eyes fixing his own ones. There was a familiar sparkle in these beautiful eyes.

"...Shinichi?" Ran asked in worry, a knowing grin on Sonoko's lips.
"Y-yes I'm fine. Uhm... I-I'll just take a coke." Shinichi shook himself and watched the waiter disappear, his eyes unintenionally wandering to his butt. Seriously, what was wrong with him?
Sonoko breathed out in relief as the man was gone and leaned over to Shinichi.
"That's him. Isn't he handsome?"
The detective froze as he heard this. Great. Sonoko had dragged him in here because she laid her eyes on a waiter he found attractive, too.
Standing between Sonoko and a handsome man was like standing between Nakamori-keibu and Kaitou KID. Give the way free to avoid death, his brain advised him.
"Ah... Yes, if you say so. By the way... How do you expect me to start a conversation with Kuroba?"

Sonoko huffed and her eyebrows narrowed. She leaned back into the booth and gave Shinichi a deathglare.
"Just do what you always do!"
"But that's not open interrogation!" he contered annoyed.
"I'm gonna force you to sing if you don't help!"
"Sonoko!" Ran gasped, terrify in her eyes. "Don't say such things! We can't just force him."
You forced me to come here Shinichi thought pissed off. Nevertheless, he ran through various options to start a conversation inside his mind.

"Here's your order~!" smirked the waiter and Shinichi nearly blushed again. But his arms were... empty?
"Where?" Sonoko intelligently asked and looked left and right.
"Oh. My bad."
The handsome waiter snapped his fingers, smoke engulfed the table and within a second everything stood on the surface. Ha! Perfect start for a conversation.
"Magic?" Shinichi asked, taking the initiative.
"Yeah. It's a hobby of mine."
Shinichi raised one eyebrow and leaned forward, fixing these beautiful indigo eyes with his own.
"For this shock you owe us a song. You wouldn't want to disappoint the girls~?"
Kuroba blinked twice, his gaze darting back and forth between the challenging Shinichi and the beaming girls.
"Uh... My bad but I don't think my boss would- ah I don't care. Of course~ As you wish..." he grinned, winking at Shinichi who gasped in return. Nobody can play cool that easy, he must be popular in some way.

He saw the hobby magician chatting for a few seconds with a fellow waitress and then took the few steps onto the stage, clearing his throat.
"Lets see... Ah, perfect! Which language?"
The audience went silent.
"English!" yelled Sonoko and earned herself a small giggle of the infamous showman.
"Then English it shall be!"
Once more he cleared his throat and closed his eyes for a moment until he began to sing.

Shinichi could feel his heart bouncing like in a jump house. Such fire and temper combined in an angelic voice... Kuroba danced, too, just as elegant. It was magnifying, hypnotizing, it was-
Shinichi was captivated.
He took all this in like a sponge, savoring every second he saw these well formed hibs swaying. His voice was made for his song. Rather suspicious, because his normal voice shouldn't have been able to reach this vocal lengh.
So if he was a singer, why did he work as a waiter? Ah, he didn't care. He didn't want to deduce. He wanted to feel.
The applause at the end of his performance was definitely necessary and the girls next to him squealed in joy.
"God he sings awesome! You could learn something, Shinichi~" Sonoko grinned and again, Shinichi could feel his left eye twitching. She had to ruin it again.

"Glad you liked it~" Kuroba laughed as he returned and Shinichi offered him to sit next to him, what he gladly accepted.
"You're Kuroba?" Ran asked and received a small nod.
"Kuroba Kaito, magician extraordinare~ Nice to meet you." The magician held out a rose to each of the girls and finally stuck one into Shinichi's pocket.
"There. Sexy casanova."
"What?!" Shinichi squeaked and Ran bursted out laughing.
"S-Shinichi?! Casanova?! He wouldn't even notice somebody flirting with him when they have his full attention!"
"Oi shut it! I'm not that dense!"
Sonoko now joined in, too.
"B-believe it mystery geek, you are that dense."
Shinichi puffed his cheeks and ellbowed first Sonoko and right afterwards Kaito who looked like short before joining into the laughter.
"Ouch! H-hey, I think that's cute. Makes us want to protect that innocence~"
"Rather smashing some sense into his skull..." Sonoko grumbled, rubbing her side.

Ran had to soften up the situation and right afterwards, they completely tangled the cheeky waiter into a conversation. Magic tricks, heated discussions and food were shared on this table, Shinichi didn't want to admite it but this evening had turned out great. Yet there was this problem with Sonoko...
"So what do you think of him? Like him?" Sonoko whispered once Kuroba took care of other customers. Shinichi quietly cleared his throat and set up his pokerface.
"W-well... he sure is... interesting. Somewhat fascinating. He takes good care of people and knows what he wants, he is a really smart person. I think Kuroba-kun would make a good boyfriend, but who am I to tell you that? It's your choice."
"Damn right it is! Ran?"
Sonoko nodded in satisfy and laid her eyes back onto Shinichi.
"So will you go out with him, Shinichi?"

Shinichi furrowed his eyebrows, his brain lost trail of what he wanted to say. No, that must have been a mistake. He had misheard it. In thoughts he repeated the conversation but always came to the same end.
"Shinichi, we tricked you. Kuroba-kun has been in love for you since a long time and we offered him to find out your interests."
"You've been blushing, stuttering and staring the whole evening, detective geek. Don't think you're so difficult to read~"
His jaw stood open and he kept staring at the fangirling mess seated across of him, needing to sort out his mind.
"...y-you can't just try pushing my love life!" he finally hissed and raised himself out of his seat, leaving the bar. He needed to be alone and this time, they really went too far.
Shinichi liked Kaito, he was attractive and fascinating. But to hear he had been fooled the whole time by these two hurted.

Outside the bar, he saw the person he didn't want to see at all.
"All alone? Enough of the charade?"
Kaito leaned against the brick wall next to him, watching the stars.
"Hmpf. You're the one to talk, Kuroba-kun. You staged this all."
Kaito shrugged and his eyes darted from the beautiful nightsky over to the detective, hungrily drinking his body structure. Shinichi nearly shruddered by the glare alone.
"Give it a chance~ We all know you prefer your own gender. Despite that, I'm the only mystery you never solved~" he cooed and Shinichi felt his blood run cold as the boy inched closer.
"The only- what are you talking about?!" he hissed, clearly fed up with the secretive bullshit of everyone.
"Give me a chance... Meitantei..."
The pokerface got replaced by the signature grin of a familiar thief and Shinichi felt the other's lips to brush his own, gentle, like a dove's feather.

Kuroba had vanished like he came, completely unnoticed by anybody. Shinichi stood there, blushing and jawdropping like a fool. KID. THE KID. THE KID HAD REVEALED HIMSELF.
The detective was ready to faint this instant, if it wasn't for the fact that he was too curious about the small object Kaito had slipped into his pocket.
Slowly, he pulled it out and took a look at it; the moonlight illuminated a phone number.

He was about to become the Kaitou KID's boyfriend. A fangirl dream became true for him.

Kaitou KID One Shots 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat