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If you have damaged hair and you want to start your natural hair journey and embrace your hair, or even if you spent years taking care of your natural hair the wrong way and want to start taking care of it better, I suggest you take a lot of pictures and videos throughout your hair journey. It really comes in useful to compare how your hair started out in the beginning and how it looks like now and to really see the changes it went through. A good place to do so is Instagram or maybe even facebook. Personally I'm on instagram and have met a ton of really cool people that are also on their own journey. Oh and don't forget to write down what techniques and products you used! It can come in handy to see what worked best for you. But best of all, don't compare your results to someone elses. Everyone's hair is different and everyone starts off in different ways in their hair journey, your hair won't take the same amount of time to heal as someone else's hair does. So if you feel bad for not getting the results you wanted in the time you've spent on your journey but someone else did, don't feel bad at all because odds are that that person with your dream results was in the same place you are now. Just keep pushing through and don't loose hope just yet because your hair will be healthy too one day and you will love it. 

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