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When you detangle it is a good idea to do it wet if you have textured hair. If you detangle your hair dry not only will your hair poof out and get extremely frizzy and may also loose any definition, but you would be risking breakage so if you want to avoid this I suggest detangling while wet and use conditioner!!! You can also use a leave-in conditioner or even a deep conditioner/hair masque if you want. I would recommend finger detangling all the knots in your hair before you use a comb so it's gentler on your hair. If you decided to use a comb its easier and less painful to work your way from the bottom (ends) to the top (roots) and it is also best to use a wide tooth comb. If you want you don't even need to use a comb, your fingers work just fine! Just always remember: water, conditioner and be gentle!

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