Ch. 47 Sushi After Sundown

Start from the beginning

"Erina-sama? I realize that this is an intensive program...but perhaps we could take a break soon?" The other students nodded in agreement. Erina hesitated for a moment.

"...Very well. We still have a long week ahead of us, and it'd be a shame if someone were to burn out so soon. Let's take ten, everyone."

"Umm, thank you. But I was kinda hoping...we might be able to see Torrey's Shokugeki," said Ryoko, twiddling her fingers nervously.

"Torrey's...wait, WHAT?" said Erina, incredulous.

"You didn't hear, Nakiri? It's Waldenpond vs. Saito, with his new council seat on the line. Should be starting up pretty soon," said Soma, leaning back in his chair.

"I was busy making copies and drawing up lesson plans...I hadn't heard anything about this," said Erina. How does he manage to keep getting into these situations? Did he not learn his lesson from the Nene match? Even though he did deserve to win that time... she thought.

"It's a p-pretty rare occurrence, seeing t-two council members d-dueling on the big stage," said Megumi, hopeful.

"Indeed it is. Look, I'd like to watch this match, too. But if you're all serious about these exams...we simply can't afford to waste time. There's too much material to cover," said Erina, putting her foot down metaphorically.

"Aww, Erina-chi's right though. We're nowhere near her level...I've only memorized like 5 potatoes!" said Yuki.

"Damn, I'm sure it'll be a good match. We need to keep our priorities straight, though," said Soma, returning his attention to the review worksheet in front of him. Everyone stared at him.

"That might be the most mature thing you've ever said, Soma," said Megumi.

"Hey, I can be mature sometimes! Nakiri, can I get another one of these worksheets? I spilled some tea on mine."

"And...there it is," said Yuki, shaking her head.


While his friends were back at the dorm, agonizing over potato qualities, Torrey was busy practicing recipes in one of the cooking halls on campus.

Keeping one eye on the clock, he noticed that as the match grew closer and closer, his dishes were getting further and further from where they needed to be.

I've finally mastered the art of rolling sushi...but none of these taste any good! he thought glumly. Maybe I'm in over my head, here. Again.

Torrey began his practice session by attempting to recreate some of the more popular rolls he'd tried in the past, including the one that Saito served him last night. They all turned out pretty 'meh'.

He realized that he didn't stand a chance with a traditional recipe; Saito simply had too much experience in this field. The only way to beat him was to do something unique- and to execute it perfectly.

As Torrey was finishing up one of these 'unique' rolls, an official from the Shokugeki committee entered the hall. The man had to hunch over just to fit through the doorway, such was his large frame. He wore a dark suit and a redundant pair of shades.

"Mr. Waldenpond. It's time," said the suit.

"Uh...right. I guess I'm ready," said Torrey. This last attempt was promising, but he hadn't been able to complete it. There's no telling if it has the punch needed to topple the 4th seat...

Waifu Wars: A Food Wars FanficWhere stories live. Discover now