Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Dead

"K-Karkat? Are you d-doing okay there?"
John stalked toward the figure huddling against a wall of a dimly lit hallway cautiously, measuring his shaking, light steps.
"Hey, what's wrong? Karkat? Karkat, answer me!"
He grabbed at the troll's shoulder, only to have Karkat's own grey appendage slap his hand away almost violently.
"Don't touch me!"
Karkat's voice rang out, echoing too loudly against the flat concrete walls of the seemingly endless hallway. John visibly flinched, bringing his hand back and holding it against his chest. Karkat brought his legs up to his chest, and wrapped his arms around them tightly, hoping that if he held on tight enough, he would be safe. That he would be fine.
"Don't you dare fucking touch me, you have to get the hell out of here right the now, Egbert!"
"What are you talking about?!" John raised his voice to match Karkat's.
"You're perfectly fine, you'll be fine!" He insisted, not wanting to believe the inevitable truth he knew was coming.
"No. No, no, no! I'm not! You're not! Get out of here!" Karkat tore his hands away from his legs, ripping apart his makeshift shelter to shove at John, forcing him backwards.
"You can't be here! What part of 'get out' does your fried human thinkpan not understand?" He hunched over, coughing violently. Droplets of blood dripped from his grey lips, dotting the floor with the unnaturally red liquid.
Karkat's pleas grew more and more desperate as he felt his mind fall apart, his grip on reality loosing, his vision going dark.
John stood completely still, no longer out of determination, but our of fear. His body trembled like a small earthquake was making it's way through him, his heart beat like the wings of a caged bird. Mouth dry, and eyes wide, John stood petrified next to his friend, who's coughs began to slow.
"K.... Karkat?" He croaked out, his tongue darting out to wet his chapped lips.
The mutant was still, statue-like, unmoving.
Then, there was movement.
His head rose up to look at the human, his eyes that once shown like rubies now dull, and empty.
Out of nowhere, the troll lunged forward gripping on to John's shoulders, feral nails digging into his soft flesh.
John let a loud, agonized scream spill from his mouth as pain exploded through his shoulders.
Karkat leaned forward, shark-like teeth catching on to the boy's neck, and pulling back hard ripping the flesh from his body apathetically.

Oh god no
Please no
This can't be happening

This wasn't supposed to happen

Your name is John Egbert, and you have been killed by your friend, Karkat Vantas

I'm so sorry this chapter was so short, and so sad. It will get better though! I'm trying to keep the chapters long, but I don't want to keep you guys waiting, so that's not happening.

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