ZombieStuck - 48 Hours

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With encouragement from my friends, I decided to start writing fanfictions. Prepare to be blinded by my hideous attempt at palish-red (pink?) JohnKat.

It all started so suddenly, just out of the blue. Some kind of illness, a virus. No on knew what it was, but it didn't matter anymore. Now the world has gone to shit. Actually, there was no 'world' anymore. The undead infection, or, 'apocalypse' had taken over, and there were few known survivors left lurking the streets. Karkat Vantas was one of these people. He was running. Just hoping he wouldn't run into yet another group of those /things/. He mistook a soft sound of paper scraping against the ground as a sign of life, but quickly realized that he was, in fact, the only survivor around. Turning a corner, he brought out his gun praying he wouldn't run into a group of infected with the amount of ammunition he had left. There was nothing. So far, he hasn't seen anything. No dead. No survivors. Not even animals. With an almost silent sigh if relief and disappointment, he continued down the alleyway, his head hanging down.

John wandered down the empty streets, jumping at every little gust of wind and every movement of the shadows around him. Where the fuck was everybody?? Where's the help they said they would send? He had looked through every building, every corner, and every alleyway of this damn city, and so far, has found nothing. Just a crackle of a radio, or the ring of a telephone would be enough. He wanted to know if there was /someone/ out there besides him. He walked quietly along the trash riddled pavement, adjusting the bag on his back so it rested mostly on his left shoulder. His breath and his footsteps seemed too loud in his ears 'tap, tap, tap, tap' he looked left and right, hoping to finally see /something/. And he did.
"Karkat? Karkat is-is that you?' He called as he saw a familiar figure approaching him. Yes, that had to be him. John would recognize that slouch and scowl anywhere. Even underneath the padded clothes and helmet he wore. It had to be him.

As soon as his name reached his ears, Karkat raised his gun in the direction of the sound. And holy fuck he was not expecting to see the face he saw. He let out a sigh, but kept the gun raised.
"Are you bitten?" He immediately asked.

John drops his weapon when Karkat points his at him. Raising his arms above his head to show that he wasn't a threat, he answered,
"No, actually, I haven't really encountered them too much. Only on a few, er, occasions have I seen them. Have-have you seen anyone else here? I've been looking for ages, but I haven't found anyone!"
If Karkat was alive then there was bound to be others, right?

Karkat didn't lower his gun. He knew it was John, and by the way he was acting, he was perfectly fine health wise but absolutely terrified mentally. He let out another sigh before lowering the gun and removing the helmet he was wearing, letting his slightly overgrown hair fall on to his shoulders.
"Jesus, don't scare me like that. And no, I haven't seen anyone for months. Just you and me. Unless your hiding someone somewhere." he flashed a grin toward John, hoping to lighten the mood.

John's hopeful expression falls and he brings his arms down.
"So uh, no one? No Dave, no Rose? Just us?" His eyes look down to the ground.
"C-Come on, there-there has to be some out there, right?" he falls onto his knees and brings his hands up to cover his eyes.
"Someone has to be looking for us, they said that they'll look for survivors, they said-they said-!" he inhales sharply and lets out a shaky breath while trying to blink back tears.
"They said they wouldn't leave us here. They wouldn't do that, right?"

Karkat's eyes narrowed at the boy, and he walked over to him with a scowl on his face. He raised a hand over his head, and brought it down on John's cheek with a resounding 'smack'.
"Pull yourself to-fucking-gether! This isn't the time or place to be crying like a fucking baby! If people like /me/ can stay alive then there's bound to be others! If we can stay alive long enough, help will come! I haven't seen Jade or Dave yet but I sure as hell know that we will see them!"
He growled softly before putting the helmet back on his head.
"So stop crying like a baby and let's get going."

ZombieStuck - 48 HoursWhere stories live. Discover now