"What is it?" He asks again. "W-well...e-ever since i-it happened...y-you know...getting kidnapped a-and stuff, I-I've just been having really bad dreams...a-and I tried really hard to keep them f-from you and—" I start to ramble.

I notice also that I've been crying.

Andy puts his hand on my shoulder. "Easy, Chandler. Just breathe okay? You're alright. You don't need to keep anything from me kid." He reassures. I nod.

Andy's POV

"E-Every night I have the s-same dream about K-Keith...a-and I don't know how to m-make it go away, Andy. I-I'm sorry..." He whispers, tears cascading down his splotchy face.

Instead of saying anything, I pull him into my arms and let him cry into my shoulder.

"It's okay, Chandler. None of this is your fault, alright? It'll be okay." I try to comfort him.

I can't believe all the stuff this poor boy has went through. It's too much for an adult to go through, let alone a 14 year old kid.

I break the hug and he looks down at his lap. "Chandler, look at me." I say softly.

He hesitatingly looked up at me with tears streaming down his face. I wipe his cheeks with my thumb.

"Listen to me. I know you're scared, but there is absolutely nothing Keith can do to you ever again, okay? He's in prison. " I tell him.

He nods a little, but he's still shaking.

Suddenly, the door creaks open to reveal a tired looking Payton. She looks like she's been crying too.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" I ask, concerned. She runs and sits on the bed next to Chandler and I.

"W-what if the cops hadn't shown up in time? T-then he could've killed Chandler. I don't want you to die." Payton says, turning to Chandler.

"I-I won't die. Been through too much to die now." Chandler says quietly, smiling slightly.

"I-I had a dream that he killed you, daddy. Right in front of me a-and..." Payton starting to cry.

"It's okay, baby. I'm not going anywhere." I say and pull her into my arms.

When we break apart from the hug, I realize that both of these kids have school tomorrow and it's 3:47 am.

"Okay, be honest. Are either of you gonna be able to go back to sleep if I leave?" I ask.

"Nope." Payton says. I look at Chandler, and he shakes his head shyly.

"Alright, then I guess we're having a sleepover in my room. Grab blankets." I say and get up.


Chandler's POV
I was on the bus next to Zay and we were waiting for Parker to get on. I noticed that Jared still wasn't on the bus, and I was actually getting kinda worried.

"Hey, Autumn. I-is Jared okay?" I turn and ask Autumn. "Yeah he's okay, he just didn't want to come today." She replies.

"I bet he's scared." Zay said quietly, smiling. I smiled and shook my head. Then we saw Parker get on the bus.

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