Part Ten

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Part Ten

                “What was that about?” Lilly asked once Chelsea closed the door to the pool house.

                “Nothing, just hanging out with Hunter,” Chelsea said trying to avoid eye contact.

                “That girl is trying to hide a glow, Hunter must have been good, huh?” Tami questioned and Chelsea blushed.

                “I wouldn’t have known, you guys interrupted,” Chelsea admitted.

                “I was just kidding, I didn’t think you would actually tell me you guys did something!” Tami exclaimed.

                “Can you be any louder? My parents are inside,” Chelsea tried to calm her squealing friends down.

                “You are usually a good girl! But I guess she’s gone, huh?” Lilly questioned.

                “Yeah, maybe,” Chelsea said before glancing back at the pool house.

At dinner

                “Mom, dad, there’s something I need to tell you,” Chelsea started. The family was at dinner in the city and there was some quiet time while they waited for their food to be served.

                “What is it sweetie?” Chelsea’s mother asked.

                “I started seeing someone,” Chelsea started, her parents just exchanged glances then returned their eyes to their daughter.

                “Will we get to meet this young man?” Chelsea’s father asked.

                “You’ve already met him,” Chelsea stated.

                “Is it someone from your old school?” Chelsea’s mother questioned.

                “No, it’s Hunter.” Chelsea just had to get it over with so she just went ahead and said who it was.

                “Uh, Jamison?” Her mother asked sweetly.

                “Oh, really?” Her father questioned and he looked angry.

                “Yeah, he’s a really great guy,” Chelsea defended him.

                “Well I don’t think you should continue seeing him or whatever it is you two are doing.” Her father was stern and Chelsea knew he meant business.

                “Dad, I think you should get to know him, like not as an employee,” Chelsea suggested and her father shook his head.

                “I know the boy well enough,” Was the last thing her father said. There was a silence at their table for the rest of the evening.


                “So my parents kind of freaked out when I told them about us.” Chelsea admitted and Hunter sighed. Once Chelsea got home from dinner with her parents, she ran to talk to Hunter about what happened. She was hoping he would stand up to her parents about.

                “I know why they might be a little upset,” Hunter said and Chelsea looked up because his voice held a seriousness.

                “Why?” Chelsea asked a little nervous.

                “I’m not really going to NYU. I’m here living with a family member because I got in big trouble with my parents back home.” Hunter explained and Chelsea suddenly felt like the wind was knocked out of her. She gave a part of herself to Hunter that she hadn’t given to anyone else and she could say that she was falling in love with him.

                “Are you serious?” Chelsea asked in disbelief.

                “Yeah, I would totally understand if you didn’t want to talk to me anymore. It was wrong of me to lie,” Hunter apologized genuinely.

                “Why lie?” Chelsea asked.

                “You’re gorgeous and I wanted to have a chance with you. I wanted you to think that I was a good preppy guy that you’re supposed to be with,” Hunter sighed again then continued, “I’ve been to jail, Chelsea. I’m not a good guy, I made a mistake by hanging with the wrong crowd and I ended up beating a guy up. Your parents are a friend of my uncle’s and they offered me a job.” Hunter looked relieved.

                “I hate that you think that, honestly. Why do I have to date a certain type of guy just because my parents have money?” Chelsea asked.

                “Your parents know I have a record so therefore they won’t approve of us. I’m moving to the city to find a job once the summer is over.” Hunter looked at Chelsea to see how she was handling this.

                “Hunter, I like you, what I know about you anyway.” Chelsea replied and Hunter nodded.

                “I understand that. I just want you to know that I think you’re a great girl, I want to continue to see you but I may have messed that up. I hope you can forgive me, that’s all I ask of you,” Hunter was sincere, Chelsea could tell but she still wasn’t sure how to feel.

                “I’ll talk to you in a little bit.” Chelsea said before leaving the pool house.

Next day

                “So he lied? About NYU and all that?” Lilly asked which Chelsea responded to with a nod.

                “Well I think a boy with a record is hot,” Tami added and Chelsea laughed.

                “My parents don’t, I just wish he had been honest about it from the beginning.” Chelsea grumbled. After a moment, the girls heard shouting from the backyard. Chelsea ran to the window to see Hunter packing up his truck. She ran outside to see what was going on and her friends followed her.

                “Daddy, what’s going on?” Chelsea asked.

                “Hunter will be leaving, he’s going to stay with his uncle for the rest of the summer.” Her father replied and Chelsea shook her head.

                “Dad, we won’t talk to each other anymore. Don’t make him leave.” Chelsea pleaded.

                “Sorry, Chelsea, I can’t have him here especially if he’s going to mistreat you.” Her father was playing no games at this moment.

                “Just let him stay for the rest of the summer,” Chelsea tried and her father shook his head.

                “No, he can’t stay here especially if he’s going to lie.” Chelsea’s father gave her a look as if to say ‘Don’t test me.’

                “It was a pleasure working for you. I was fortunate to have this job.” Hunter gave Chelsea’s father a hand to shake.

                “You did good work, but I can’t have you lying to my daughter.” Chelsea’s father shook his hand. He motioned for the girls to go inside and let Hunter leave.

                “That was intense,” Tami said once the girls returned to their seats in the kitchen.

                “Tell me about it,” Was all Chelsea said thinking of Hunter on his own. 

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