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  It was the morning of the hogsmeade trip, you were sitting with harry hermione and ron. "I don't know if I can go to hogsmeade." Harry said. "Why? Just ask Mcgonagall to sign it, snape signed mine." You said, looking over at blaise and Crabbe who were pushing draco. "Hey, (y/n)! Draco wants to ask you if you would go to hogsmeade with him." Blaise said. "Sure." You could feel your face turning red, your necklace turning pink and yellow. "C-cool." draco said, walking away with blaise and crabbe, who were congratulating him.

"Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again!" McGonagall yelled, you where walking with draco, faces red. "Where do you want to go first?" Draco asked. "Honeydukes, I want to get some sweets." You said. "Cool." draco said.

You walked into Honeydukes, the smell of chocolate filled the air. "Oh, over here!" You walked over to the case of cauldron cakes. "So, what's your favorite sweet?" Draco asked. "Cauldron cakes! There the sweetest, most delicious sweet in this shop!" You grabbed four boxes of cauldron cakes. "Wow, I didn't know you like them that much." Draco said, looking at you tenderly. "What's your favorite sweet, draco?" You asked. "Licorice wands." Draco said. After 10 more minutes of shopping for candy, you had 4 cauldron cakes, 10 chocolate frogs, and 5 pepper Imps. "10 galleons." The shop keep said, you look in your bag, but draco gave the shop keep the money. "Draco, you don't need to pay for me." You said, pushing his hand away. "No, it's ok. I don't mind paying." Draco gave the shop keep the money. "Thank you, draco." You said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, it was short and sweet. "No problem." Draco said.

"Here, let's go to The Three Broomsticks." Draco pulled you into the three broomsticks. You picked a table next to a window, draco sitting back to the window. "How's your arm, draco?" You asked. "It still hurt from time to time, how are you?" Draco noted. "I still have bandages on, and Madam Pomfrey said it will be a week till I get them off." You informed. "Hopefully your better be for the first quidditch match." Draco took a sip of his butterbeer. "Yeah, hopefully." You look in your butterbeer, the froth swirling. The conversation stopped until a shrill scream came the door. "I can't believe this!" It was pansy. "How dare you!" She walking over to you. "How dare you go out with my boyfriend!" oh no. "What do you mean? Draco is this true?" You looked at him with hurt, your necklace was turning from pink into blue. "Um, (y/n). I can explain." Draco looked scared. "Save it." You got up, grabbing your bag of sweets and started to leave, your hands leaking water. "(y/n)! Wait!" Draco called as you left, you didn't turn back.

You very far from The Three Broomsticks, there was no one in sight, but didn't stop until a raven caught your eye. You walked up to the bird, it didn't fly away. "Hello, little birdie." You looked up at it. "Who you calling a birdie?!" The bird crowed. "You can talk?!" You stepped back. "Oh no, sorry!" The bird started to fly away. You ran after the bird, but when it got to far away, you stopped, looking around, hogsmeade was gone, in it's place was a forest. 'well I'm lost.' you thought. A cold chill swept over you, something was behind the trees. Your necklace turned  black. You pulled out your wand, trying to find the thing stocking you. It seemed to be like smoke.

"Who's there!" You yelled into the trees. The thing in the trees started coming closer. It was a big black shaggy dog. "Oh hey there." You sat down on the ground. "Come here, boy." You waved the dog over, it walked over. "Oh, what a handsome boy." You pet the dog. now that he was closer, you could see his ribs. "Are you hungry boy?" You asked the dog, to your surprise he nodded. "So you understand me? Well if you want food come with me." You stood up. "You wouldn't know how to get to hogsmeade, would you?" The dog, did know, apparently. He started to walk to the right of you. 

After a bit of walking you and the dog got to hogsmeade, the sun was close to setting. You were on the outskirts of the town, there was very little houses and shops around. You spotted a small wooden shop with, as you come see, had food. "Hey, boy. Stay out here, I'll go get you some food for you." You said, bending down to the dog, he nodded his head. You walked into the shop. "Do you have any meat?" You asked the shop keep. "Yes, what type?" He said. "Beef." You walked closer to the counter. "All right, 5 galleons." He handed you the pack of beef, you handed him the money. You walk outside the shop, the dog was sat there. "Here boy, have this." you unwrapped the parcel. The dog ate fastly, as if he hasn't eaten for days.

"(Y/n)! Get away for that dog!" Someone yelled, when you looked to see who, it was Professor lupin. "What do you mean professor?" You asked, the dog looked scared. The dog picked up the rest of the food and ran off. "It was just a dog." You stood up, looking very annoyed. "Did the dog bite you, or hurt you, at all?" He asked walking to you. "No, it was just a dog, and he was very hungry, professor." You crossed your arms. "Good, don't go near that dog again, now I have to go, and I think you should go back to school soon." Lupin walked off.

The walk to hogwarts was boring, but you got to watch draco and parkinson screaming each other, about something you didn't care about. All you thought was how draco was a ass, and how that dog was doing. 

Ms. Horned Serpent (Harry x Reader x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now