Diagon Alley

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   Your dream ended and your eyes opened. After a good two minutes of laying down, and cursing the world for it being too early, you started getting ready. You got dressed in a pink skirt and blue button up. After that you went down to have breakfast. "Good morning, my little witch." Your dad greeted.
   "Good morning, dad." You said back. "Today's breakfast is, PANCAKES!" Your mom said, giving you a plate of fluffy pancakes. After eat the pancakes, you, your mom, and your dad set out to the leaking cauldron.
   On the way your dad got lost. "Honey just ask for directions." Your mom said.
   "It's a wizarding place, do you think normal people will know were it is?" Your dad said, but after 30 minutes, he found it.
   "Hello, we aren't wizards but are daughter is a witch so, we don't know how to get to diagon alley. Can you help us?" Your dad asked the man behind the bar.
   "Yes, follow me." said the man. He opened the door to the alley. This was it, your first time in the Wizarding World.
   After getting the money you and your mom went to get your robes, your dad went to get your books. "Yes, mother i can see that." Said someone in the shop.
   "Hello." Your mother said, then a small witch came to you.
   "Hello, I can see you need robes, first year I presume." She talked fast, then dragged you to a pedestal, and started taking your measurements. The boy who spoke when you first walked in was now standing next to you, he had blond hair, steely blue eyes, and a sharp, handsome face.
   "Hello, I'm Draco Malfoy." He said.
   "Hello Draco, i'm (y/n) (l/n)." You spoke. He smiled, it gave you butterflies in your stomach. After she was done, your mom paid, and you went to find your dad.
   He was still at the book shop. When he was still trying to find your school books, your eye was caught by a section of books. There was books on potions, magical animals, and magical pets. You grabbed 3 books from section. When you were done at the bookstore, you went to the wand shop.
   "Ahh, muggle born?" The store owner said.
   "Yes." you said. He went into the back and handed you a wand.
   "Give in a flick." he said. You flicked it, and fire shot out the tip of the wand. "No, not that." he said giving you a different wand. You gave it a wave, all the wand boxes shot out. "No, here." he said handing you another wand, when you flicked it white light surrounded you. "Ahh, yes of course!" he said. "That wand is vine wood, dragon heartstring core, and 12 ¾ inches. Very difficult wand, but it seems to like you." he said.
   "Ok, how much?" your dad said.
   "2 galleons."

(your wand)

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(your wand)

You went two get a owl, one stuck out. It was a small Striped owl. "mom, i want this one!" you said
   "ok." your mom got the owl. "what are you naming him?" she asked.

(this is charlie)

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(this is charlie)


  "Yes mom, i can see that." I said, as someone walked into the shop. A couple seconds later a girl my age with (hair color and length) hair, and (eye color) eye, she was stunning. "Hello, i'm draco malfoy." i said, wanting to hear her voice. "Hello draco, i'm (y/n) (l/n)." she said. Her voice made me smile, it was so sweet and cute. As i smiled her face turned red, she was blushing. 

a/n: lol not that much longer be i tried, but you just met draco!

Ms. Horned Serpent (Harry x Reader x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now