The Truth Will Set You Free

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The truth will eventually come to light 

It is your choice as to how you  want it to be told

You have control of your own story

Your opportunity to to let your side of the story be heard

These walls may not talk

But nothing stays hidden for ever

If you are afraid of hurting someone as result of telling the truth

The fact is you cannot change the past 

But you can change your actions going foward

The road to recovery begins when you admit that you were at fault

And Seek forgiveness

Guilt will eat you alive

Until you remove yourself from the situation

Lies only become bigger and harder to manage

The more you lie the worse the situation becomes

The longer you lie , the harder it is for you to be forgiven

Honesty ,loyalty and trust are vital to any relationship

Whether it is marriage, friendship or any type of relationship

People will question your integrity 

If you are deceitful

Lies make you vulnerable to blackmail

Gives your enemies power over you

You have to constantly look over your shoulder

Some people end up having bigger issues than the initial situation

All in the process of trying to cover up the truth

Don't dig your own grave

All actions have consequences

Your lies will catch up with you

Telling the truth might be difficult

But it will set you free

And you will be at peace


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