Remembering the Past

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Stretching you rub the sleep from your eyes. Looking around the room you realized you must have fallen asleep before you even really began the game. Standing up you walk towards the window. Drawing back the (f/c) curtains.

'It's still dark out? Then I must have just dozed off.'

Turning around you take a long look at the room. Then it hit you.

'This isn't my room! My room is never this clean! Since when were there no posters in my room?'

Thoughts were swimming around your head. 'Why am I here? How did I get here? When do I get to go home? Are my parent's worried?'

So many questions, so little time...

Your head began to slightly hurt after hearing this- voice? Was it a voice in your head? 'It doesn't sound like just one voice. It sounds like several talking at once.'

"What's going on?" You yelled out

Don't worry dear hero. In due time you will know...

Every time the voices spoke your head hurt more and more.

Stumbling towards the door your hand violently shakes while trying to grasp the door handle.

Where are you going (Name)? You can't just leave. You signed up for this...

You stop trying to leave the room. "How do you know my name?" You question "And what do you mean I signed up for this?"

We know everything about you (Name). You're like an open book. You're the chosen one. You're the one who wanted to become a righteous hero...

Then it seemed as if everything became still. Blurry images began swirling around before you. You closely inspect one and it becomes clear. It showed you putting the disk into the system, screen illuminating the dark room. You sit down in your gaming chair, grabbing the controller. The image began to distort as your head started pounding. You grab it hoping to release the increasing pain.

"Forget this! I'm leaving!" you scream out. The voices just chuckle at your helpless demeanor. You jog to the door again praying to get out of this wicked dream world. Pulling on the door it doesn't budge. "Damn it..." you whisper your breath coming out short and rigid.

You can keep trying all you want but that door won't go. You'll be stuck in here.

"No, no, no, NO, NO, NOOO!" you pound your hands against the door. "You know. You could always try looking in your pockets." A sweet voice chimed "Why... should I listen.... to you?" You huffed between breaths. "Because at one point I was in the same predicament as you, silly." the females voice said laughing. Sighing you check your pockets. 'Nothing in the left... Noth-' you cut short feeling cool metal. Grasping the cool object you pull it out of your pocket seeing a golden key. "Told you silly." Scoffing you fumble with the key, as by then your head felt like it would soon explode. Taking slow shallow breaths you manage to stuff the gold key into the lock.

Child, stop. Stop this at once. The voices roared You mustn't leave this room!

Smirking you turn the key hearing the satisfying sound of the door unlocking. 'Freedom, here I come!' You swing the door open momentarily blind as to how dark it was. "Run." Not giving it a second thought you bolt out the door. All you have to do was get out of this weird place and find someone to give you directions back home.

"(Name), you are probably wondering where you are. But I can't tell you until we meet in person." Slowing down to a jog you hide being a cluster of bushes. "Why not?" you say "It's dangerous enough to be talking to you now, someone could be listening. That's why I'm sending one of my friends to find you." "Uh, well. OK? How will I know it's them?" The voice stays silent a moment "You still there?" "Yes, and as for your question, tell them to show you their marking." "Marking?" "Yes, you have the same one as them if I'm not mistaken. Everyone is branded into different categories based on their heroic category. There's the Hero of Time, Courage, Stars, Light, and Nostalgia."

You sat there momentarily confused. Those names all sounded familiar but from where? "Well (Name), your rescuer is almost there just sit tight for a few more moments. I won't be able to contact you again till we meet in person. Please, be careful (Name)..."

After finishing your conversation with the nicer voice you start to hear shouting. Slowly you began to shrink into the bushes. "(Name)! (Name)!" The voice was startlingly close. "(Name)! Are you here? I was sent to find you!"  'That must be my rescuer!' "Hello?" the voice hollered a few feet away. Standing up you see the person who had his back turned towards you. "Hello?" you called. The male turned around looking surprised seeing you. He gives you a gentle smile before jogging to you.

'Is that? Oh, King Mickey, it is. How is that possible? How is HE here?'

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