You Press A

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You moved the analog stick across the titles. Each one giving a little description of what it was.

A 'The Hero of Time'- By becoming this title you have the chance to change the fate of what time will later bring in the far yet near future.

B 'The Hero of Courage'- By becoming this title one of your qualities is being brave. You can battle any foe without fear but then again not being afraid can be used as a weakness.

C 'The Hero of Stars'- By becoming this title you look to the stars as your guides. You believe that without the stars there is nothing, just utter darkness.

Y 'The Hero of Light'- By becoming this title you are searching for the light to these ever dark days in the worlds. You can see the light in everything. Even the ones who see nothing but darkness in their future.

X 'The Hero of Nostalgia'- By becoming this title you are longing for something or someone that's far away. And you will do anything to get them or it back.

'Hmmm,' You thought 'Being 'The Hero of Time' doesn't sound all too bad. Has a nice ring to it.'

You decided to go with it so you press A.

Congratulations (Name), you are now 'The Hero of Time'!

Now that you have picked your hero title:

««Press Start to truly begin your journey»»


Thank you for pressing start.
We wish you well on your long mission to save the worlds.
Please do not fail us (Name)...

For we are counting on you.

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