< Jasha >

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Jodys pov:

I was so sure, it had to be him. I've always loved Tyler and imagined my life after I've left the dumping ground with him. We would move out together maybe build our own family someday and live happily ever after.

But now I've started thinking...what if we aren't meant to be? We might will stay together for just a few moths then we'll start arguing and split up. I know someone who I can argue with forever though but we'll always make up again. Sasha Bellman. Now when I come to think about it she has always been there for me when none else is, if me and Tyler has fallen out she's always there to give advice or just cheer me up. Maybe it's her who is meant to be with me...I still love Tyler I know I do but I maybe love Sasha too in another way, Tyler is my boyfriend and best friend yes but we maybe won't be forever he has loads of other friends who is girls...he could have a crush on any of them and I don't know.

If I don't break up with him he'll definitely will break up with me someday. But then at least I'm the good one. It doesn't hurt to just try to find out if i love Sasha though...it's always good to have a second choice if something would happen.

I decide to go and talk with Sasha;

Sasha smiles up at me and takes her headphones off: " Hey Jody everything okay? "

I sit down next to her: " I don't know...I need to talk to you. "

Sasha turns the music off and sits in front of me: " Why what's up? "

I took a breath: " Do you think me and Tyler will be forever? "

She looks surprised: " Erm yeah I mean you love each other and you've know each other since you was little so I can't see why not. "

I nods: " But...it's always good with another option right... "

Sasha: " Sometimes yeah if you wanna be sure you won't ever be alone...but I don't think cheating on him is a good idea if that't what you mean. "

I shakes my head: " No no I just mean so I know that I have someone else incase he leaves me...someone like you...

She looks confused: " What do you mean me? You'll always have me as your friend Jody. "

She doesn't get the hint. Great. But maybe it's for the best I mean I don't know what I feel, she is my friend yes, maybe I like her or maybe she is like a sister to me. Either way I'll always have her, so I have to accept that I'll have her just as a friend and hope Tyler won't leave me. I really love him. I'm gonna stay with him and keep Sasha as my sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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