< Ryan Reeves >

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Ryans pov:

Troublemaker, that's what everyone sees me as. A teenage lad who just wanna cause trouble. But they have no idea about who I really am. I mean yes I'm a teenage lad I'm not denying that and well, okay I do cause trouble sometimes but not on purpose.

Right now I'm in hospital and no it wasn't my fault, I kinda lost it and got a panicattack, but that's Jay and Alex's fault, they pushed me too hard. Let me explain what happend:

( 5 hours earlier )

I sat in the livingroom and watched tv, eveyting was like it should; Jody and Tyler sat and discussed some random rubish movie while eating biscuits, Taz tried to learn Finn how to play the piano which just gives all of us headache, Jay and Alex kicked football even though they aren't allowed to do it inside while Alex glared at Finn sometimes like a proud dad, Chloe and Candi discussed makeup no surpirse there, Bird played chess with Charlie, Taz and Sid well god knows what they're up to and Sasha and Floss were arguing about something to do with breakfast. So, none was alone, except for me. Well I was till Alex and Jay came over to me;

Alex: " So Ryan, who is your girlfriend I saw you hugging in the skate park? "

Everyone stopped what they were doing and I felt everyones eyes on me.

Me: " Girlfriend? Me? As if. "

He has no idea...

Alex: " Come on man don't deny it me and Jay saw you two hugging. "

Chloe: " Leave him alone, I know he doesn't have a girlfriend and even if he did that's not your business. "

Well at least she tried to help.

Jay: " Aw Ryan loves someone she has blond hair everyone. "

Everyone started laughing and I started to lose my temper so I stood up face to face with Jay;

Ryan: " You don't know what you're talking about! So shut up! "

Bird: " Come Jay you only will get into trouble. "

Jay just laughed: " Do you think I'm scared of him? He can't even punch a doll! "

And there we go, I proved him wrong, I started punching his face with my fist and it felt so good. Well at least till Bird pulled Jay away and Alex grabbed me, it kind calmed me down knowing Alex held me even though I knew he only did it so I wouldn't kill Jay. To be honest I don't remember what happened next, everything just went black and I felt dizzy. I felt Alex held me tighter so I didn't hit the ground and next thing I woke up in the hospital bed.

( Back to present )

So that's what happened. I don't know how long I've been here for but I wanna get out of here and I can't belive I'm saying this but I wanna go back home to the dumping ground. I heard a knock on the door so I sat up;

Me: " Come in. "

Surprisingly it wasn't a nurse who came in, it was Alex, he actually looked worried. He took a seat next to my bed;

Alex: " Hey...how are you feeling? "

Me: " Why do you care? "

Alex: " Look I'm sorry if it was my fault...if I made you end up here in hospital...but I'm seriously worried about you. "

Me: " It wasn't your fault...Jay just upset me when he talked about me having a girlfriend. "

Alex: " Why? Ans who was that girl then if she isn't your girlfriend? "

Me: " If you must know she's my cousin...ask Chloe if you don't believe me. "

Alex: " I believe you, but you never answered my first question, why did it upset you so much? "

Me: " ...I don't like girls like that...I like another guy..."


Alex: " ...really? "

Me: " Yeah..."

Alex: " Cool, I mean it's not a big deal loads of people are gay it's nothing wrong with it. "

Me: " I don't know someone else who is gay. "

Alex: " You do..."

Me: " Who then? "

Alex: " I'm gay Ryan, I like boys too. "

Hang on what? Did I hear right? I can't have done. Alex Walker my crush did just tell me he is gay too?

I just smiled: " Okay. "


There ya go first chapter on this one shot book! Sometimes I might do part 2 on some shots, anyway, hope you liked it!

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