< Ryan Reeves - Part 2 >

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Ryans pov.

(One week later)

I sat and watched TV in the livingroom, some reality show, boring. If someone actually watches reality TV show it's just because their own life isn't intresting enough so you wanna see other people living their life with happiness, drama and tears. I'm happy with my life thank you very much, okay happy maybe is the wrong word, maybe the right word is a disappointment. I'm always gonna be disappointed in my mum for leaving me and Chloe behind and well sometimes I guess I can be quite a big disappointment myself, sometimes. Who am I trying to fool, my life is a big mess. Actually, I think I'm gonna continue watching this reality show.

Since Alex told me he's gay too things have been a bit awkward between us, we have hardly said a word to each other, not even had one single argument. It's like he's ignoring me, maybe he just said that he's gay to make me feel better. I know what I need, I need advice.

I turned the TV off and went straight to Chloe's room and sat on her bed.

Chloe: " Havn't you heard about knocking? "

I rolled my eyes and got up and knocked on her door then again sat down on her bed.

Chloe: " I still havn't said that you can come in. "

Me: " Come on...I need your...your h..your hel.. "

Stupid brain!! How hard can it be to admit that I need help!?

Chloe snickers knowing what I'm trying to say: " Sorry you need what? "

I sighs: " I...I need your help your advice...happy now? "

Chloe smiles: " Very! So what do you need help with? "

Me: " I erm...kinda like someone...but that someone don't know it and I don't know what I should do. "

Chloe: " Hmm okay...well as I'm such a amazing sister I won't ask you who it is, there's different ways to deal with love. Either you can just say it straight out to the person you like but that's risky if she...or he doesn't like you back. You can also try to just get to know the person better to just get closer friends with her or him, that way you can figure out if the person likes you back. "

Why is she saying him or her? Does she know that I'm gay? Is it that obvious?

I gave a small smile: " Okay...thanks. "

Chloe: " It's okay I'm always here for you...even if you're really rude or stupid sometimes you're still my brother. "

I smiled and gave her a quick hug then went to me room. Time to start planning, so which of her advice is best for me...I probably should just tell Alex but I don't know how to say it I would probably wimp out in the last second. Maybe I could text him, then I'm telling him straight out just not face to face. But on the other hand doing it over the phone might seem childish, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.

Here we go, it's now or never. I took a breath and texted him;

Hey Alex, I'm just gonna say it straight out. I like you. I like you more than a mate I mean. And I know you probably don't like me but I still had to tell you. I'm sorry of this makes things even more awkward.

/ Ryan

I waited a minute. He hasn't seen it yet. Another minute. 10 minutes. 15 minutes, he has seen it. Why isn't he answering? Oh god this is a bad sign. I waited for another 10 minutes then I saw it, he has replied.


There ya go part 2 done! hope you liked it :)

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