Chapter 2 - Earth Skills

Start from the beginning

"No, no, Atom," Bellamy says loudly, getting the attention of Myles and the group beside her. "Atom, hold up."

The blue-eyed boy, ever the loyal counterpart, does as he's told, taking his arms off the privileged teen in front of him.

"You want it back? Take it," the Blake sibling challenges.

It's dead silent for a minute, Bellamy and Wells staring each other down, the other delinquents around them watching the three guys with bated breath. Wells turns away, after a moment, and tosses the clothing and shoes on the ground. Immediately, nearby teens scramble for them, desperately jumping over each other to get to them first. Atom stalks over as well, in no rush, watching the frenzy of teens.

"Is this what you want?" Wells bellows. "Chaos?"

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" Bellamy replies, shrugging slightly, putting his arms through the shirt and tugging it over his head.

Almost instantly, a girl's screams cut through the camp. Heads snapping in the direction of the girls distress, Myles breaks out into a run but Bellamy and Wells are closer, reaching the scene seconds before her.

Murphy is holding a whimpering teen over one of the fires, the protective hut knocked over and to the side. Myles comes to a stop beside Bellamy, hazel eyes wide in horror.

"Bellamy," the brunette greets, "check it out. We want the Ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figure it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first."

Bellamy and the red-haired girl take a few steps in shock before stopping again, in sync. Wells doesn't stop though, continuing to run at the teens.

"Let her go!" Wells demands, barrelling towards them.

Wells shoves Murphy back forcefully, freeing the girl and jolting the man back into gear, as he walks forward. Bellamy's movement stirs Myles, and she runs for the girl. Reaching her quickly, she helps her up, and with the teen leaning heavily against her, pulls her away from the fire pit. Wells looks from Bellamy, who's stopped once again, to Murphy on the ground, a hopeless look in his brown eyes.

"You can stop this," the dark skinned boy says with a look of disgust on his face.

"Stop this?" Bellamy repeats, a twisted smile on his face. "I'm just getting started."

The redhead passes the still trembling girl off to Harper, knowing she'll be in good hands. Turning back to the men around the fire pit, Myles steps forward slowly, before Jones and Atom are at her side. The blue-eyed boy's hand is on her arm and the dark skinned boy is standing protectively in front of her, an arm reaching around blindly to make sure she doesn't step around him.

Their actions make her heart swell, the redhead reaches a pale hand up to rest on Jones's arm, letting him know she's heeding their warning. Dark brown eyes look into her hazel ones, and he relaxes.

All of a sudden a flurry of movement makes Myles jump, causing her bodyguards to tense again. Murphy had gotten to his feet while they were distracted, and landed a heavy punch to Wells's face. The teens body spins from the force of the impact, and he goes crashing to the ground. The crowd that's gathered starts erupting with cheers of 'fight', and the redhead knows after yesterday's brawl being intercepted by Spacewalker, there's no stopping Murphy now.

Wells is on his feet when Murphy swings next, and the boys tussle, throwing each other around. A blur of arms swinging and shoving violently as the crowd chants the word 'fight'. Wells lands a good hit to Murphy's face and the brunette falls back, before quickly regaining his footing and charging at Wells. Murphy ducks as he runs into the teen, and hoists him up, before throwing him onto the ground, hard. Murphy is on top of the struggling teen, throwing punch after punch to the dark skinned boy's face. Wells grabs his attacker by the shoulders, and rolls them over so he's on top.

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