Chapter 4:The apology and a tea party...?

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AN: This chapter has a lot of fluff in it...I hope you enjoy. I also attempted to make this easier to read. I hope everyone can read it a little better.If not please let me know.


Third person POV: The morning sun starting to shine through out Burbank , California...Inside of a water tower in a movie lot. That goes by the name of Warner Bro. There were four toons sound asleep in their beds... Well until one began to stir


Emmy's eyes slowly opened as she looked around and when her eyes landed on the triple bunk bed... she felt a pant of guilt... 'Dang I shouldn't have gone off on Yakko like that'

She thought to herself... she continued to scan the bunk bed... until she heard someone shift their weight... not wanting to be caught staring she shut her eyes pretending to be asleep...


Yakko sat up in his bed being careful not to hit his head on the bunk above him... he then rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched... As he was getting out of bed to get ready for the day... he turned to see Emmy still asleep... he sighed softly 'I apologize when she wakes up' he thought to himself as he headed towards the bathroom


Later after that Emmy finally decided to get up and apologize... she then noticed the bunk bed was now completely empty with no Warners in them...Emmy was about to head to the door before it burst open , reviling the youngest Warner...

"Emmy you better get your butt up before I toss you on the ground!" Dot shouted but when she noticed Emmy standing there with a shocked look on her face.. she smiled sheepishly

"Sorry I didn't know you were up" she said... After the brief shock Emmy shook her head and had a soft smile "It's alright... I was just about to head there" she said... Dot nodded and headed out the door... Emmy following Dot's lead


As Emmy entered the kitchen... she couldn't help but notice...The guilt feeling in her gut getting worse as she noticed the eldest warner playing and picking at his food... instead of eating it...

'I need to apologize to him now' She thought to herself as she made her way to the table... the noise of a chair moving made Yakko look up from his food... When he noticed it was Emmy his guilt got worse

'Okay I'll apologize in three' he counted in his head not knowing the teenage girl was doing the same thing

'two' the girl counted 'one' their minds said at the same time still neither one knew until they both burtled out

"I'M SORRY" they both said in unison... Dot and Wakko looked at what just happened and notice the blush that appeared on both teenagers faces... they gave eachother a knowing look and decided to watch this scene unfold...


Yakko watched as Emmy gave him a go ahead gesture and he nodded "EmmyI'msorrythatIdidn'tstopwhenyouaskmetooan-" before he could continue Dot cut him off

"English , Yakko. I don't think Emmy can understand whatever language you're speaking" Dot deadpanned... Yakko shot her a look before taking a deep breath

A New FriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon