Chapter 2:Meeting The Siblings

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Third person Pov: During the night as Emmy slept things started to change... the walls of the alley way that she was in started to change cartoony and Emmy herself even started to change... though she did not awake through this process.... Her face now a white color with a red nose and a little bit of whiskers and a black shade of fur and her black hair to her shoulders and she now had ears and a tail..... A bit later the sun started to rise and a young toon who seemed to be in his teens was walking around when he stumbled upon this girl.... 'She looks like me and my sibs' The teenage toon thought to himself....'She looks hurt.... I better help her out' He thought to himself.... Then brown slacks toon reached out and picked the young girl up bridal style into his gloved hands....


Emmy's POV: As I woke up I didn't feel as if I was on the hard floor of an alley way... it felt like I was on a bed-No Wait a couch.... I would've let myself fall back asleep if I didn't hear a voice.... "Yakko! I think our guest is waking up!" A feminine voice shouted "Comin'!" A male voice reliped "Get Wakko too!" The girl shouted once more "Kay!" The male said as he went to go get that person.... I then saw the female hovering over me "Hiya Kid!" She said happily I then fell of the couch since she had startled me "W-Who are you and where am I ?!" I asked suddenly "Don't worry...We'll explain that once my brothers get in here" The girl said she then paused for a moment before turning towards a door "HURRY UP" She shouted and not two seconds later a male in brown slacks and another male wearing a blue turtleneck and red cap backwards came into the room. I then started to open my mouth to ask who they were again but I guess they could already tell what I was going to ask.... "We're the Warner brothers!" The two boys said "And the Warner sister" The girl said.... "Alright that's lovely" I said sarcastically..... The tallest out of the three then turned to someone and said "Ooo she using sarcasm... I like her already" he said moving his eyebrows up and down... I then raised and eyebrow of my own "Who are you talking too..?" I asked , puzzled

"The readers who are reading this trash that the author calls a fanfic" He reliped with a grin "Okay.... you know it was great meeting you guys but I get to going" I said starting to get "No no... you gotta stay for now at least" A Liverpool accent said. I turned to see the turtleneck wearing boy looking at me with a pleading look.... I sighed "Sorry kid, but no can do" I said starting to turn away "Hey, Wait a minute we don't even know your name...." The young girl said "I don't know yours either expect that your Warners... whatever that is" I muttered the last part to myself.... Then a light bulb went over off the tallest ones head literally and then his brother ate it.... Odd... "I have an idea" He said "What is it...?" I asked slightly curious

"It's.... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... okay , how about if we tell you our names and you tell us yours" He said. I thought for a monment "Okay Fine" I said and waited"I'm Yakko... The eldest Warner brother" The one wearing the kaki pants said "I'm Wakko the other Warner Brother" The one with the Liverpool accent said with a grin and his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth "And I'm Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third..... But you can call me dot... but call me Dottie and ya Die and I'm the little sister " The girl said/threatened

"Noted" I said letting her know that I wouldn't call her Dottie "Now it's your turn... what's your name....?" Wakko asked "My name is Emeline Brown But I go by Emmy"I said while crossing my arms though when I did this I realized that my hands had a glove on them and my arms were covered in fur and seeing this.

I screamed "AAAAAAAAAA WHAT HAPPENED TO ME ?!" I shouted causing the Warner's to jump "What'd mean... haven't you always been this way ?" Yakko asked "NO" I shouted now panicking "What were you before this...?" Dot asked "I was a human!" I screamed and they all blinked in surprise "You were ?" They asked

"YES!" I shouted "Then how come I found you in an alleyway looking just like you do now ?" Yakko asked "Y-you what ?" I said confused "Alright Let's calm down for a second.... What's the last thing you remember before waking up here...?" Yakko asked "The last thing I remember was going into an alley way and laying on the ground and falling asleep" I said.

Yakko nodded then looked at the ground , seeming in thought. "I have no idea what happened during the night..." I said. Dot then pulled lightly on her eldest brother's pants leg causing him to look at her. "Didn't you say , she had a few bruises and cuts when you found her..?" Dot asked. "Yeah I did" Yakko said before looking at me "Where'd you get those ?" Yakko asked.

I froze I couldn't tell them I ran away from home.... Not yet anyways..... Apparently I had be tearing up a bit because the next thing I knew dot was handing me a box of tissues.... "We didn't mean to upset you.... We just wanted to know" Wakko said gently wiping his foot across the ground like a puppy who just got in trouble "No No , it's fine sorry I shouldn't have overreacted like that" I said. "Well I better get going" I said starting to head towards the door...

"Wait!" Yakko said and I turned on my heel "Yes ?" I asked "Do you have somewhere to stay?" He asked and I bit my lip which was a bad habit that I had. "No I don't" I muttered. Suddenly all three of there faces lit up "You can stay with us!" They all shouted happily

"No I wouldn't want to be a Bur-" I was then cut off my Dot going into a stern mother voice "Don't you dare say the rest of that word , missy!" Dot said with her arms crossed "Your staying with us and that's final" Yakko said also in a stern mother voice and was also wearing an old dress to get his point across.....I rolled my eyes slightly

"You know... if you keep doing your eyes are going to get stuck like that" Wakko said and I sighed "Yes mothers" I said sarcastically... Well I guess there's no Turing back now...

Third person POV


With that Yakko , Wakko , and Dot turned to the readers and kissed their hands and shouted "GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!" "I still don't get why were talking to invisible people" Emmy added


AN:I hope you all enjoyed this chapter...I know this is a very chicle story so far. But , I'm trying to make it better...Which is why some of the other chapters will come later then sooner...Until next time

Ta Ta~

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