Chapter 9: Toontown(Pt.1)

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AN: Emmy and the Warners will return in two chapters. I will warn you there is mention of death in this chapter. In this chapter, if multiple paragraphs are in Italics close to each other then it means it's a flashback.


"We're here, Sir" Thyme said to his current boss in the passenger side of his car.

Mike nodded, silently, an unreadable expression on his before looking around at the scenery outside of the car.

The sky was gray and looked like it was going to rain. The usually singing trees and flowers weren't singing and looked normal. The houses filled with holes and looked empty due to the darker colors. And a few splats of dried up dip and ink were splattered on the sidewalk.

Thyme shuttered at the sight. He could only imagine what had happened here.

"He did a wonderful job with the place didn't he, Thyme...?" Mike asked a smirk etched across his face.

"Yes sir, he...c-certainly did"

The cat toon nodded, the smirk still on his face. Like, he knew this place was giving Thyme the chills or something like that.

"Now let's the big bosses house or now office, or whatever you want to call it" Mike said, and waved his hand dismissively. Before leaning his elbows on his knees.

Thyme nodded and started the car once more.


After, a while the two toons pulled up to a large house/ building. The house was a dark gray. The inside was covered by black curtains. And it seemed to have crows circling around the top looking for prey. It was very much a disturbing house. That almost no toon would ever want to step into. Like Thyme, but he didn't have much of a choice. Unless he wanted to be Dipped right then and there.

'And I'm supposed to be a villain toon' Thyme thought to himself with a shake of his head.


"So... are you just going to stand there or....?" Mike asked, his impatient mind starting to come in to play.

"Oh... Sorry, I thought you were going knock..." Thyme said, embarrassed.

"Why would I be the one to knock I mean seriously he is your original boss, not mine so why..."

Thyme just turned to the door and tuned out Mike's rambling. Before taking a deep breath and raising his hand to the door. 'Calm down... Thyme... it's not like he would kill you for knocking or kill you for coming back after HE himself sent me to Mike... then again... I've seen him plenty of toons that really did nothing wrong... Welp here goes nothing... I guess'

Thyme then knocked on the door in front of him.

A toon nearly three times bigger then him opened the door.... before staring down at the toons in front of him for a few seconds. Making Thyme, feel a bit uneasy. This bodyguard should recognize him, right..?

"H-Hello... Mr. Soran... sir" Thyme said to the bodyguard.

"Oh... it just you Thyme...Mr.-" Soran was cut off by Mike. "And I'm here too" Mike said.

Soran shook his head slightly and Thyme wanted to do the same but decided against it.

"Yes, Your here too... As I was saying before I was interrupted.. was that Mr. Blade is ready for you inside" Soran spoke and Thyme nodded "Yes, S-sir, Come along Mike" Thyme said before being pushed aside.

"I know where I'm going. And I don't need any help from anyone. That also means I don't need help from Servants like you" Mike said going ahead. Thyme wanted to slam his head against the wall at this point but instead just followed Mike inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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