Chapter 12*Last day of italy*

Start from the beginning

Mark : I'll be there, I promise.

I knew I could count on him. He is the best and Anna is so lucky to have him.

Me : Goodnight. I love you all and kiss Annette and Meghan for me.

Mark : I will, kiss Emily for me.

Me : Ok. Tell Anna I miss her a lot please.

Mark : Whatever!

I didn't understand what Marko meant that so I left him on read. I gave Emily four kisses on the cheeks. One from Marko, one from Elijah, one from Benjamin and of course on from me. I really miss them terribly and I can't wait to see them tomorrow. I just want wish my flight wasn't early in the morning.

* * * *

Benjamin's POV.

Sofia hung up on me and I quickly gave Elijah his phone back. She always seems to do it on purpose, she only calls for Elijah's sake so why would I care about her. Why do I still even love her when she moved on. I killed those guys for what they said to her but she never cares about me.

"Elijah are you ready?" I asked and he quickly picked his bag up. "I'm going to drop you at Anna's place and after work I'll pick you up. Promise." I told him and we quickly went out of the house.

The whole car ride was silents because Elijah was playing on the phone and I was lost in my thoughts.

'This thing can never be my husband. I'll rather die than---.' Sofia's words were playing in my head. Why did she have to say it to the world when I know she hates me already. It hurt more when she said those words out of her mouth. Who knows, maybe if that lady let her finish talking than it would've been worse.

"You heated your mother, don't trouble Annette and don't feed Meghan your food. She's a baby." I warned him as I started knocking.

"My handsome boy is here." Anna said as soon as she open the door. "Annette is watching TV." She added as Elijah ran inside the house.

"I'll be back later to come back him up. So make sure his phone is not on silent." She nod her head and I walked away to leave.

"Benjamin." She shouted and I looked at her annoyed. "I don't like you too but you did the right thing giving Sofia what she wants. I know you love her and she loves you but don't force her to come back to you or you just going to push her away."

"You don't expect me to thank you right?" I questioned and has giggled.

"I don't need a thanks but if Sofia ever comes back to you and I know she loves you so she will come back when she's ready. But if she ever comes back to you than I won't hate you any longer. I only hated you because of what you did to her and you are my husband's boss and Elijah's father so I'll just have to get along with you."

"Well, I still hate you because of your attitude but I'll always act civil with you for Sofia's and the children's sake." I replied.

"Do you even know the meaning of civil?" She mumbled. "What I meant was we are right. See you later when you pick up Elijah."

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