After Reaction

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Riven POV

I looked at everyone's expression. Some looked shocked and some had tears.I had tears rolling down my cheeks.

"We're so sorry Riven. We didn't know." Sky said.

"It's fine, you couldn't have anyway." I mutter.

"We never knew Flora has gone through all of this. She's my best friend. How couldn't I have known or at least seen the sighs? She's always the quiet one." Layla says sadly.

"She's our best friend. She's the one who wakes us up every morning with a smile, surprises breakfast for us, the one we go to for best advice, and doesn't get angry or annoyed at us when we're having a mood." Musa says with tears falling down her face.

"She's like a little sister to us. I can't believe you guys had to go through all that." Brandon says softly.

Everyone nods. "It's fine."I mutter.

Just then Flora started thrashing around in my arms.

"D-ad.. e .. stop! Pwease!" Flora crying and begs in her sleep.

"Shh. Flora, it's ok. It's just Riven. Daddy's not here. He's gone now. Shh wake up honey." I try waking up Flora.

She opens her eyes and starts crying.

"Dad e.. com in." She says trying to pronounce the words.

The winx girls start cry silently holding their boyfriends and Helia left the room taking it all in.
"No he won't he won't get you." I say hugging her little body.

"me eed e gon com. You ew get urt. (Me need to go. Daddy gonna come. You will get hurt)." She screams with tears, trying to escape from my hold.

"No no Flora he's not here. It's just me and the winx and Specialist." I try to restrain her.

"Dad e gone?" Flora asked teary eyed. "For now." I whisper.

"Baby can you tell them what's your name and how old you are?" I beg.

She hesitates and says "Flowa four." Very softly. She also raises four fingers.

"Aw your adorable. I'm Musa." Musa says quietly trying to not startle her.

She waves and hides her face against me.

"Aww." Everyone gushes.

"Flora's a cute baby." Layla gushes.

"Flora? Do you wanna make some new friends? I promise they are very nice. They won't hurt you." I say.

She hesitates for a while and then holds her arms out to Musa.

"Aww." Musa says and takes Flora out of my hands.

"Aren't you the cutest?" Bloom says gently poking flora nose. And Flora giggles.

That's the first time I've heard Flora giggle as a kid.

Now I'm just gonna do some boxing to clear my head. I can't believe they turned her into a kid to make her suffer all over again. But first, I need to talk to someone.

"Ughh I swear to god, they will get what they deserved." I growl to myself.

Musa POV

Flora was sitting in my lap just staring at the winx and Specialist.

  Looking at her closely, I see some cut marks or scars and some purplish- greenish bruises all over her tiny body.

  "Flora are you feeling ok?" I ask softly in her ear.

She looks at me and using my sonic ears, I hear her mutter the words no.

"Bloom can you heal her?" I mouth to her.

"Of course." She mouth back.

"Hey Flora? Would it be okay if Bloom heals you?" Brandon asked seeing our conversation from earlier.

She violently shakes her head no.

"Flora, we can tell your hurting yourself. It'll make you feel a lot feel better." Sky adds.

"You can hold on to Musa if you want." Stella suggested.

After hearing Stella's suggestion, she thought about it and then slowly nods her head.

"I'll be alright Flo." I whisper. She clutched in me and closes her eyes tightly.

"Healix!" Bloom says.

In a couple of seconds, most of her cuts and bruises were fading away.

"You feeling better Flora?" Tecna asked.

Flora smiles and nod her head yes.

"Flora, do you want to play a game?"Brandon ask.

Baby Flora cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"You don't know what a game is?!" Stella yelled in shock.

Flora face turned from smiley to sad. She looked like she was about to cry, but at the same time, she was trying to hold it in, fighting it.

"Stella!" Everyone in the room exclaimed softly.

Im pretty sure she didn't have a clue of what Stella said and thought she was getting mad at her because she used her hands to cover her face, thinking hat Stella was gonna strike.

Stella looked at Flora's face and her face look apologetic.

"I'm so sorry Flora. I didn't mean to scare you." Stella says apologizing.

Flora ducked her head against me afraid.

"I'm sorry. Here let me make it up to you." Stella says and snaps her fingers.

In a matter of seconds, a small stuffed pink and white bunny appeared.

Stella slowly handed it to baby Flora. "Here. You have it." Stella says quietly.

Flora looks around, then looks at Stella confused.

Stella chuckled. "Yes you silly. You can keep it."

Flora looked at me, wanting permission.

"Of course sweetie." I smile.

Flora slowly reaches for the doll and when she realized how soft it was, she started cuddling with it.

"Awww" the boys gush.

Us winx, beside Flora, laugh at them.

"Tank you." Flora whispered.

We got silent.

She said something.

"No problem sweetie." Stella blushes.

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