Your Idol (Taehyung)

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A short skit for the sake of a live reality show? I wasn't quite sure what the company meant when they said I had to recreate a scene with a mysterious idol, but both of us had fit the perfect body type and said body type fit well with each other. Neither one of us had speaking scenes and wore mask the whole time. Didn't sound too bad until they mentioned something about a sensual piece.

I agreed anyways, knowing all too well that the show must go on. So I was taught the dance and theme of the show, the basics of what the show was about and my role in it. Now that I thought about it, this was thrilling. The thought that a mystery guy was going to be dancing with me, and yeah, I was a little uncomfortable with the thought that someone I wouldn't know would be holding me. Nevertheless, can you imagine the rush of mystery!? But the point of this is to win the game, and I was going to go through any means necessary to win!

Apparently, I would be a contestant until they guess who him and I are, or the judges can choose to bluff and have us perform again.

The game is simple, really. The judges watch an idol or two perform, if curiosity is eating them up, they can try to guess who the idol is, but see, the thing about it is that if the secret idol is under their company, they essentially lose points.

The point of the game is to get your artist to win the season, and you can either guess who the artist is and kick them out or have them dance again another episode, basically making it up in the ranks. They're trying to knock the other judges out. The reason they would want the idols to dance again is because they know who they are and want them to win, don't know and don't want to risk guessing, or the idol had a spectacular performance.

Not the simplest game, but a real telling one at that. The judges are idol company owners, and the crowd wants to see if they really know their idols or not. The ones with disadvantage have more idols, but at the same time, they're usually the ones with the most amount of rewards.

Me and this mysterious idol might be under the same company, see, sometimes they pair idols of different companies to confuse the judge, or force them to cooperate, making the show a little juicer. The audience doesn't know who's performing either, so the only one who knows is my manager and a few other staff members.

After a few more rehearsals I got the dance down, and now all I needed to do was practice with my partner. I was waiting in the dance studio with my mask on. It had an elegant design that consisted mostly of dripping diamond pieces, and covered half of my face with one eye covered as well. The theme was elegance, and sophistication, but surprisingly there were no dark colors. Most of it was white with a cat like snout and twirling horns. I had my head measured and eye distance to make it a great fit, one that would slip onto my head like a hat. I was informed not to reveal my identity under any circumstances, so I didn't. I pulled my hair into the hat as instructed, and waited for whoever was performing with me. And so he did.

I watched and subconsciously eyed his body, wondering what my perfect fit was... According to everyone else. I expected less. Much less. But remained impressed, or in complete awe at the shape of the man. He looked like he was built by the Romans or the Greeks. When I studied him some more, this sculpture of a man was better than those built by any artist! You know why?

Because this one is alive.

I couldn't see his face under his own mask, and his body tempted me to rip that mask right off. He refrained from speaking, and simply grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine slowly. I subconsciously did it back, taking a few steps closer until my chest touched his. He looked down at me, tilting his head and gripping his mask. I quickly reached up to his hand with my own, stopping him from doing anything stupid.

I shook my head, and he slid his hand away, looking at the floor for a second before snapping back his gaze at me.

Then suddenly, he twirled me around, spinning me until we got to the boombox. I laughed as we twirled, and once we got to the box, we stumbled a little. I was still laughing when he grabbed me again to dance and then suddenly, like a scene from a movie, we were on stage.

Our moves flowed with one another and the dance played out it's own music, like each step played a note and each movement continued the melody.

The judges watched in awe, and to our luck, none of them were our bosses, which the show sometimes does to throw them off.

The mysterious man gripped me closer to his body, something a little too spicy for the audience, but they loved it anyways.

From the corner of my eye I could see the only female judge blush at the sight before her, and the men chuckle at this youngsters brash move.

He never danced like this when we would practice, and the way his fingers trailed on my body must have been a hint of what he was really doing.

He was proving to everyone that this was far more than a dance. More than anything that's been shown on this show. This was the mystery man's claim over me.

I jumped onto him, one of my favorite parts of the choreography, and only held onto his waist with my legs, arching back and letting my arms go. We continued dancing over the voice of the spokesman, careless of what he had to say.

"Have you ever seen a performance so fiery as this one, people! The show has hit its peak! What will the judges do!? Keep the talent? Or find out this soon to be couple!?"

And then came my small solo piece, and when I danced, it all felt lighter. It felt like... Time had stopped altogether. The audience had gotten silent and the lights all went out, except the one following me. But then I turned, meeting eyesight with that of this mystery man.

Who are you? I asked him with the expression in my eyes, and his eyes spoke for him, as time began to tik once again.

We never spoke directly to one another in that month of rehearsal, but even so, there was something there... I no longer cared to find out who he was or what he looked like underneath that mask. I had found something in a game, and regardless of the results, I had already won.

The thoughts slipped out of my head when his bare lips on mine, and from the depths of my thought where I had gotten lost, did I realize what just happened.

He had lifted his mask and mine to the tips of our noses and kissed me directly. His lips sucking on mine and his eyes closed shut compared to my wide ones. It was the end of the dance, and this was his grand finale.

The way he effortlessly moved my mask and his own in such a quick moment, or the exact spot he intended to reveal, had he planned this whole thing from the start?

The lights turned off and I lifted his mask to finally satisfy my curiosity, but you know what they say about curiosity.

As soon as the lights came back on, the audience was as shocked as I was, no, correction, I was the one in most shock. I watched as Taehyung's smile formed, and what his eyes tried to tell me earlier finally made sense.

I don't regret anything.

“Am… Am I seeing this right? Is this real? This isn't a dream, right? Someone pinch me.” The spokesman mumbled accidentally to the microphone, he had been talking to one of the staff and mumbles erupted in the audience.

“Taehyung? What do you think you're doing!? I-” I dropped the mask and touched his chest, looking up to him with pleading eyes. How could he do this? How could he so willingly risk everything for a kiss!?

“Because I fell in love with you, Y/N.” He removed my mask as one single tear dropped from my eyes. “Because I always had.”

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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