artist!kaminari x artist!reader

807 14 44

beepbeep double kams

no one can change my headcanon no matter what

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

If there was anyone with a lucky talent in 1-A, it was you and Kaminari. You both liked to draw a lot and constantly carried a sketchbook around to put things on your mind down on paper, without using words of course.

Ever since the first day, you two got along quicker than anyone else. Kaminari noticed you carrying your usual sketchbook around and decided to make a move.

Of course, his usual flirting “techniques” would always go wrong and end up giving him a bruise on his shin, but this time you were interested in this dumb blond in a platonic sense. You asked to look into his sketchbook and offered him to look into yours and he agreed, thus sparking an amazing friendship.

You both often went to a small local coffee shop with your sketchbooks, looking at the most recent piece and giving advice on how to improve. You loved looking through Kaminari’s amazing art and giving him advice, because everytime you did, his drawings would only get better and better.

However, recently, Kaminari had been more secretive about his art.

You tried to keep yourself from asking why, but today you couldn’t hold back. This was your artist friend we’re talking about, there’s no way that you’d let him go scot-free without having an explanation as to why he’s been keeping his art a secret from you for weeks.

You sat up from your bed and snatched your sketchbook and pencil from your desk and hastily walked out of your room to Kaminari’s. You thought of an idea of finally getting his book and looking though it, but you didn’t want to hurt him when you tried to, so you thought the best idea would be that you hold a little draw-off.

You stopped at his door and knocked, signalling you’ll be entering and opening the door to peer inside.

“Kams?” You called out, getting the blond’s attention.

He gasped quietly and quickly closed his book shut, setting it down beside him.

“Hey, [N/N!] W-What brings you here?” Kaminari stuttered, grabbing a nearby pillow to cuddle with and rest his head on as he watched you walk inside.

You frowned at the blond’s sudden action with his sketchbook, but you gave a sad smile anyway. You sat down next to him and laid your sketchbook on your thighs. Kaminari’s golden eyes darted down at your sketchbook, his face morphing into slight worry.

“Wanna do a draw off? It’ll be fun!” You asked the blond, who was fidgeting with his fingers.

He looked up at you and nodded slightly. “Y-Yeah, Let’s do it! Bet you won’t be able to beat me though!” Kaminari boasted, chuckling with pride.

You smiled and rolled your eyes and opened up your sketchbook to the next blank page. You looked up at the blond who was doing the same.

“By the way, we’ll be drawing each other. I want to see how much you improved.” You informed, spinning your pencil with your fingers.

Kaminari blushed slightly and nodded, hastily grabbing his pencil and sketchbook, going to the next page.

You both looked down at your books and started to draw lines, beginning the draw off.

═ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ═

It felt like forever when you were staring at each other to put on paper, but you finally finished.

You set the book down in front of you and smiled at him as Kaminari stopped drawing to look. His golden eyes widened as he saw every detail of him that was placed onto the paper. He smiled brightly and blushed.

“You’ve improved so much, [N/N.]” Kaminari said softly, smiling sadly as he went back to finishing his piece.

“Yeah, it’s been a while since we gave each other advice, so I resorted to using the internet.” You said as the smile on your face wiped away as you thought about it more.

Kaminari noticed your sudden sadness and set his sketchbook aside to give you a warm hug. You gasped at the pair of strong arms holding you tightly but you hugged back, burying your face into his shoulder.

You two hugged for a while before the blond pulled away. He frowned when staring into your beautiful [e/c] eyes and sighed.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been putting down a lot of personal emotions down on my sketchbook and I’ve been really scared to show you because I thought you’d find it weird.” Kaminari confessed, his blond bangs covering the majority of his face as he stared down at his bed sheets.

You gently put a finger below Kaminari’s chin and lifted it up so that he’d look up at your face. He blushed at the sudden action as he stared up at you.

“Kaminari. Not a single art piece is weird if it involves your emotions. It’s okay to feel the way you do and put it down on a sheet of paper. I just miss hanging out with you, dude.” You responded, making the blond blush even more than he already is.

Kaminari nodded and sat up. He picked up his sketchbook and closed it, handing it to you to look through. You smiled and took the book from his hands, skimming through the paged until you found ones that you’ve never seen before.

The drawings involved you and Kaminari. Together, holding hands, cuddling, anything a girlfriend and boyfriend would do. You blushed and flipped through it more as Kaminari’s face turned as red as a cherry.

There were some lewd drawings here and there, but you paid no mind to it, as he was a hormonal teenager just like you.

You stopped at the drawing he was working on and set the book down, looking up at Kaminari’s blushing face.

“Kams, have you had a crush on me for the past few weeks?” You bluntly asked, tilting your head to the side as you smiled slightly. The blond nodded and grabbed a pillow to bury his face in.

You shook your head at the sight of your embarrassed friend and gently grabbed his burning face, lifting it up so that he’d look at you.

“I wouldn’t mind dating you, you’re my best friend after all.” You stated, making the blond’s eyes widen.

A big, bright smile tugged at his lips as he reached his arms out to hug you tightly. He buried his face into your chest, making you gasp and blush. You put your hand up to Kaminari’s hair and ran your fingers through it.

“You’re such a perv, Kams, but I love you for that anyway.” You whispered, dipping down to plant a kiss on his head.

You listened to Kaminari breathe as it quickly turned into snoring. You chuckled and fell asleep with him.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ───── ⊰


my teacher wasnt here today so i might as well finish this bad boy up lol

this ended up being longer than i tHOUGHT-

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