kirishima x reader x midoriya

803 23 8

its too obvious who this was requested by

kiri and deku can hit me with their quirks and id say thank you

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

You’ve had a pretty rough day lately. You had to run in the rain to school because you couldn’t find your umbrella, you had an assignment to fight Bakugou, who was having those extra angry days so he pummeled you until you lost, and Mineta nearly grabbed your skirt and pulled it down. Tsuyu noticed what he was doing and whacked Mineta, but the damage had already been done to your emotions. When school ended, Midoriya offered to walk to Heights Alliance with you. It was still raining and he had an umbrella with him, so you nodded, taking his offer.

You two walked in silence. You were too exhausted to start a conversation with Midoriya, not that you didn’t want to though. Midoriya stared at your stared face for a bit until you caught his gaze, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“I-Is everything alright, (Y/N)? You seem upset.” Midoriya asked, stuttering on his words.

You nodded slightly. “Yeah, everything’s alright, Izuku.”

You may have said you were alright, but the tone in your voice didn’t say you were. Midoriya frowned and nodded, turning his head to face forward. You stared at him for a bit until doing the same.

You two eventually got to the door of Heights Alliance. Midoriya opened the door for you and you said your thanks by giving a sad smile. You took of your shoes at the doorway and put your slippers on, walking directly to your dorm room. You swung the door open to your room and flopped on your bed, burying your face in your pillow. You had nearly fallen asleep until you heard a knock on your door and the small creaking sound the door made when it opened.

You lifted your head up and turned to the door. It was Kirishima and Midoriya. Kirishima held a medium-sized teddy bear across his chest and Midoriya held a little box that held a few chocolate bars. You gave a small smile and sat up from your bed.

“What’s all this about?” You asked, tilting your head slightly and staring at the two boys.

“For you, (Y/N)! We know you’ve had quite a rough day today, so we got some things for you!” Kirishima stated cheerfully, walking towards you and holding out the teddy bear he held. You took the teddy bear and hugged it tightly.

“Thanks, Eiji.” You said, smiling brighter than you ever did today.

Kirishima gave a warm smile and Midoriya took a few steps towards you, holding out the box of chocolates to you. You took the box and opened it, seeing two chocolate bars and some Hershey’s Kisses. You happily took the box and set it down on your bed.

“Thanks, Izuku.” You said, your smile growing brighter.

You set the teddy bear down and stood up, pulling the two boys into a tight hug.

“I love you two.” you whispered, burying your faces into their shoulders. Kirishima and Midoriya looked at each other and smiled, hugging you back.

“We love you too, (Y/N)!”

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

so i had a bad day yesterday and the bad part just started today despite me getting out of school and going into the weekend (i left my sketchbook in my counselor’s office hhh) im feelin angsty

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