Beside me, I could also hear Louis and Harry shouting and trying to get past. I kept on struggling until I looked over and saw Liam. He had cuts all over his face and arms. There was blood flowing from a gash on the side of his head soaking his all ready blood stained shirt. He had a neck brace on to stop him from moving and his eyes were closed shut. I didn't know how much he was hurt but he looked lifeless lieing there. I stopped struggling and went limp. What the fuck had happened? 

Before I sunk to the ground fully I was pulled up. My body had gone numb but I some how manged to reigister that someone was talking to me. A paramedic I think it was, I didn't really notice as my eyes were glued on Liam. He was asking me if I wanted to go in the ambulance to the hospital. I found my self nodding and was about to get in, when I remebered Louis and Harry. I quickly brushed the tears away that had started to fall, and turned towards them. They both wore the same expression. Pain and shock. I tried to speak but my mouth was dry. I looked at them and they both seemed to understand what I wanted to do. They gestured for me to go and I turned and started to climb the steps up into the van. Just as the doors were about to close I suddenly rememberd something. Niall. He would be at home still, not knowing what was going on. 

"Tell Niall!" I managed to shout at to the boys before the doors closed. 

Niall's POV

I had finally come to the conclusion that I liked Liam. These feelings hadn't gone away. They were there deep down, stronger than before. Yes, I know I had a girlfriend now and I know I was being a dick by lying to her and to myself about my feelings. But these feelings are so strange and different. It was weird having feelings for your best friend. Even though that best freind was gay. But he thought I was straight and even if he did ever like me, which he wouldn't, what would happen? 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the door being forced open and Harry shouting my name. What the hell? 

"I'm in the kitchen guys." I shouted out. 

Both Louis and Harry ran into the room gasping for breath. It looked like they had run here as fast as they could.

"What the fuck is up with you two?" I questioned. 

There was a pained look on Harry's face and I started to get worried.

"It's Liam." My stomach dropped when I heard that. "There has been an accident, we have to go to the hospital. Zayn's gone with him in the amblulance, we ran here as fast as we could to get you." Harry let out in one big rush. 

Liam. Accident. Ambulance. Hospital. Those words slowly sunk in as I stared at Harry. Liam. My Liam had been in an accident and he was at the hospital. 

"Niall! Where are Liam's car keys? We have to go now!" Louis nearly shouted at me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I walked past them both to a set of drawers and grabbed Liam's keys out of a bowel which sat on top of it. I didn't bother looking around and see if the boys were following me as I nearly ran towards the door. I needed to get to Liam, to see if he was okay. 

We all rushed towards Liam's car that was parked out side his flat. I jumped into the drivers seat while Louis scrambled into the front and Harry into the back. As soon as they were I put the my foot down on the pedal and drove as quickly as I could to the hospital. I was probably driving like a maniac but I didn't care. Because of the speed I was going we reached the hospital in no time. I hurriedly found a parking space in the parking lot, not bothering to lock the doors as I sprinted towards the electric doors, where the entrance was. I skidded to a stop when I reached the reception stopping for breath. The young girl behind the desk looked at me with wide eyes waiting for me to talk. 

Can You Ever Love Me? A Niam fanficWhere stories live. Discover now