Chapter 11

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A/N Don't forget to read chapters 9 & 10 before you come here! (I am updating the rest of the short story, so you might be skipping chapters. Don't do it. Read before... If you did, good job, and continue!



1:56 a.m, 6th Hour.


Axel came out of his bedroom. He wanted a snack after the exhausting night. While we trudged to the kitchen, he felt a shadow on him. Looking up, he sees a body. Forgetting the snack, he runs to Jasper in his room. Jasper was just out of the shower and was putting his shirt back on when Axel walks into the room.

"You..." Axel breathed heavily, "Need... To come look at this!" Then Axel turns and fled. Startled, Jasper runs after Axel.

When they reached the murder scene, as Axel called it, Jasper looked at Axel confused. Then Axel susurrated, "Look up."

Jasper slowly looked up and then took in a sharp breath. There, hanging lifelessly was Shelly, with her head raw from the rope scratching her neck, and her hands fastened together with the same type of rope.

"Let's go and see if she might be still alive," Jasper said softly. They quickly, but quietly, ran up the stairs, not wanting to wake the girls up. Jasper looked around the crime scene and was able to find a chair to climb up on, so they could free Shelly.

Axel murmured, "I was wondering how you were able to hang her up there, I guess I didn't even have to ask."

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked, "Are you initiating that I did it?"

"You obviously did it, there are only two girls left other than us in this mansion, and one of them is my wife, and the other is my sister," Axel pointed out, "Neither of them could have done it. I know them very well."

"I don't think you do. I mean, your own wife didn't even love you. You're a cold-hearted bastard," Jasper spat at Axel.

"What! I don't believe it. You're lying," Axel shot back, his fist clenched.

"Oh, how could you not know? I was there when Iris told Shelly that she cheated on you, and she didn't even sound ashamed! And even if you hadn't heard that, how could you not have heard Shelly screaming the news to Athena, who, if I may add, also kept the secret from you? Anyone could have heard Shelly when she told Athena, even bears in the middle of their hibernation!" Jasper reasoned. "You probably just didn't believe Shelly when you heard. That's why you killed her. But we all know she was telling the truth."

"Say Iris did cheat on me, which she didn't, and you actually heard the whole exchange. That just means you're digging your own grave," Axel snorts," Didn't you get mad at Shelly when she snapped at you about the "cheating in relationships" thing? And then she didn't complain at all when she figured out that Iris may have cheated on me. So is this you trying to cover up the fact that you killed her because-" Axel got cut off by Jasper.

"I think you're the murderer." Jasper bluntly states.

"What?! Me?! Me?! You're out of your mind. There are three innocent people here and one guilty. Neither of the girls could have committed these murders. And I didn't do it, so it's you!" Axel finishes triumphantly. Jasper shook his head in frustration and finished lowering Shelly down.

"You said that already," Jasper looks at Axel pointedly. He sighs, "Well, we're done, and I'm going to rest. You better too."

"What else would I do?" Axel demanded.

They went into their designated rooms.


Hey Lovelys! One more chapter until the end!!!! There WILL be an epilogue for those who were wondering. Don't forget to like, comment, and follow!

Have a great day!


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