Chapter 6

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11:36 p.m, 3rd Hour.


The boys had been comfortable with one another, or so Jasper thought. They were chatting fine, and then, out of the blue, Benjamin and Axel started arguing with one another, leaving Jasper very confused. To solve the problem, Jasper had suggested going in their separate ways, then rejoice later in 10 minutes. Benjamin and Axel agreed begrudgingly. They went their own ways, but now, Jasper regrets making that decision.


"Alright girls! We are going to light a fire!" Athena said enthusiastically.

"How?" Shelly asked. Athena shot an irritated glance at Shelly. Nevertheless, her spirit was not dampened.

"Buy doing it the traditional camping way!" Athena grinned, for she had always loved camping.

"The traditional way?" Shelly still enquired. As Athena parted her lips to explain once more, Iris beat her to it.

"She means rubbing two sticks to make fire, Shelly," Iris explained. Athena shot Iris an appreciative look.

"So! Let's get to it!" Athena rubbed her hands together.

The four of them set to work. Well, Iris and Athena did, Shelly wandered around, gossiping about the things she had heard and rumours she had made, and Charlotte wrote her book.

Ten minutes later, when the first sparks ignited, Athena nearly cried for joy. The warm coming from the fireplace was a welcome sight. Although Athen had gotten used to the dark, she was still glad for the light. She and Iris got up and dusted off their dresses.

"Well, that was fun!" Athena sighed contently. She looked around.

"Where are Shelly and Charlotte?" Athena wondered.

"I'm right here!!!" Shelly squealed.

"Okay... But what about Charlotte?" Athena couldn't locate her anywhere.

Iris looked up from her job with lighting the candles. "She took a candle and lit it up with the fire we made. Then she told us, while you were whooping for joy, that she was going to a bedroom to write. I told her which one her bedroom was, and then she was off." Iris got up, finished with lighting the candles. "We should go and see why Liam's not back, and then look for the boys."

"The door might've gotten stuck," Shelly piped in, "Then the door only opens from the outside."

"Should we call Charlotte to come with us?" Athena contemplates.

"Nah, leave her to her book, she seems harmless," Iris replies.

"Looks can be deceiving," Athena mumbles quietly before the three of them head to the basement, with a candle in each of their hand.

When they read the basement door, they found that the door was indeed closed shut. It took all their might to pry the door open. When they did, Shelly refused to go down there.

"What is it?" Athena asks impatiently.

"I don't want to come down with you guys." Shelly's lips quivers.

Athena sighed, exasperated. "Why not?"

"Well... It's dirty, filthy, unhygienic, polluted, contaminated, and, and rotten," Shelly finished with a whisper.

"Give this girl an award," Athena said dryly, "She knows her vocabulary, who knew."

"That's- That's not what I was-" Shelly puffed out. "Forget it, let's go." Shelly started down the grey coloured steps.

Smiling victoriously, Athena followed right behind, while Iris held the door. When they got down to the bottom of the steps Athena heard a sharp intake of breath.

"What?" Athena asks as she peered over Shelly's shoulder. What she was net with was an absolute shock.

Liam was dead. He had been foaming at the mouth, and a snake bit was on his arm. The snake was also dead, probably killed by Liam right before Liam had died. The snake was lying right on top of Liam.

Unable to process the information, Athena and Shelly staggered back up with the candles in their hands. When they came up and Iris searched their eyes, she knew what had happened.

"He's dead," Iris stated emotionlessly.

Athena could only nod. Even Shelly was somewhat down.

"How?" Iris let out a sob.

"Snakebite," Athena quietly replied.

"Daniel dealt in exotic animals..." She acknowledged in awe.

"How do you know that?" Shelly asked, appalled that Iris, of all people, knew Daniel better than she did.

"Daniel and Axel worked together on a business project together regarding King Cobras a while ago," Iris explained. "I overheard them talking about it, but only Daniel knows how to cage one without getting bitten. At least, I think so..."

Taking in a shaky breath, Shelly urges them "Let's go back and tell the guys. They might want to know."

They all take their separate ways back to the living room, not wanting the presence of another person.


A/N: Hey Lovelys! Double Update!

Remember, I still need a cast for all the fellas in my book. I love yall!

Oh, and Don't forget to like, comment, or follow!

Have a Great Day!



"Not wanting the presence of another person" yeah that's definitely me. People are so tiring sometimes. (Key word here is sometimes)


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