For your good christian minecraft server

Start from the beginning

    "That was my intention."

    Back to the emo corner he went—and I'm not sorry. The brat needs to face stuff like this sometimes.

    The other hosts looked at me with disdain filled eyes. They were clearly disappointed at my reaction to this matter. It was clear, even to the his majesty, the king, that I wasn't going to be changing anything anytime soon; they can all go suck a dick for all I care—but Mori senpai can suck mine—or the other way round, really I don't mind. He's welcome to anyti—[A/N: KUROO WE TALKED ABOUT THIS. OR ELSE I'M KILLING YOU OFF NEXT CHAPTER—]. JOKES ON YOU BITCH. I HAVE THE POWER OF FUCKING GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE [A/N: YOUR'E NOT EVEN THE MAIN CHARACTER IN THE ANIME] SHUT . YOU MADE ME THE MAIN CHARACTER HERE. [A/N: KUROO] I DO WHAT I WA—

[A/N: My sincerest apologies, we are experiencing some difficulties, the story will resume as usual, after I finish killing a certain whiny, little bitch :)]

"Hahhh..." I sighed, flopping onto my bed. My opinion on the matter was clear to all, but of course, it's not going to stop them from trying to convince me otherwise—it was such a bother. They were so goddamned persistent. From offering me cakes to empty threats, they tried almost everything I could think of. Knowing them, it was probably going to continue tomorrow as well, and I'm most certainly not looking forward to it. I can't comprehend how people could be so persistent about such trivial matters without giving up halfway. Oh Asahi, kill me now.

    Not that school was very forgiving either. I have truckload of homework. It'll probably keep me up till midnight, at the bare minimum. Yui-sensei and her English assignments are going to be the death of me. She knows very well how much students struggle with her subject, so why not just give us a whole novel to read and three pages worth of questions to top it off, eh?

Goddamnit sensei.

I checked the time on my phone. I couldn't help but sigh when I saw that it was only 5 in the evening. Time had passed by way too slowly. I still haven't finished my assignment. Looking out of the window in an attempt to clear my head so that I can—wait... is that a chair? An unidentified object around the size of a chair whizzed past, spiralling down towards the ground, followed by a loud crash a few seconds later as it hit the pavement below.

    Ok... now that's just weird.

    Attempting to stick my head out to see what the hell just happened would be an idiotic idea. I may stupid but I'm not that stupid. No matter how many instances would say otherwise. So, I did the obvious; I stuck my head out. I do not regret it, not at all, really; I'm not being sarcastic at all.

"...Ok what the hell?" I heard someone shout from the floor right above me.

"What?" That was another person speaking.

"Mattsun... we talked about this." The former retorted. "And that was my favourite chair!"

The ring of a cell phone pierced through the air

"Mattsun... no. Don't you dare answer it. Mattsun."

I'm assuming that the guy called 'Mattsun' picked up the phone by the few silent moments that followed.

"...Mattsun?" His tone was wary. "Mattsun?" He called again, a little louder this time.

", no stop, MAttSun. MATTSUN"

    Did I mention I was still sticking my head out the window like an idiot? Well yeah, now you know. I should've gone back in since I heard the shouting—but nooooo, my own gossipy ass decided it was a good idea to keep listening. A small object around the size of a mug came flying down just as I turned to check on the chair bellow, and as fate had it, it decided to be a piece of shit, and put my head right in the way of it's trajectory.

    "Ah sHIT!" I cursed.



[A/N]: I am so sorry. This is complete utter shit. (Don't bother, you're gonna find a hella lot more apologies as my anxiety ridden ass posts more crap). Now I'm gonna publish this before I back down completely. Enjoy.

Thanks for reading anyways.


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