has been rougH- K I N K Y

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    Volleyball practice was fun, and, being completely honest, I missed it more that I let on. Sighing, I placed my bag down and made my way to shower and change. By the time I was done it was dark and I still had homework to do. I was lucky that, it was a Friday night, which meant I didn't have to go to school tomorrow. The idea of free time and me, lounging around, watching tv, doing nothing for a whole day seemed very appealing to me right then. After boiling some water I ripped open the pack of instant noodles—yes, instant noodles, what did you expect?

Finishing off my dinner, I got up and started cleaning and packing up. My homework left, forgotten at the corner of my desk, where it will not touched until Monday, because that's totally what responsible people do. I hummed a little tune as I did whatever had to be done. Music was probably the third best thing in my life. Second was undecided; I guess? I don't even know why myself. Obviously volleyball came in first, sometimes I do wish I could go back but what can I do? I revised for the entrance exam and even got in with a scholarship. There's no turning back—not now. I finished up and went to bed, still trying to process the weird ass events that had happened in the past week as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


    Saturday came around and sunlight shone through the cream blinds onto me and my bed. I stirred awake but decided that life can go fuck itself, because it can wait and went back to sleep.

    Bad idea.

    "Aww shit," I groaned, rubbing the bridge of my nose. I slept too much. No matter how much I like sleep, believe it or not, there's a limit to how much my body can take.

    It was already noon by the I finally woke up. I would have loved to stay in bed all day but this demon lord has better things to do—also I was hungry, and there's no food in the fridge. I ate the last cup of noodles yesterday so now, I have to go buy some more. Luckily for me, the convenience store wasn't too far away. Slipping on a pair of red shorts, a black tank top, and a pair of sandals. I headed out, grabbing my phone, keys, wallet, headphones blasting Panic! At the disco because that's what the author's stupid ass decided I should listen to, and other essentials before shutting the door.

    And boy, was it was a hot day. The humidity was high and the sun was scorching hot. Look, life, I'm sorry if I offended you this morning—can I take back my words, please?

Inside the store was pure, unadulterated, bliss. Thank you to whoever invented air conditioners because I would probably die without them. Walking along the aisles, I grabbed some stuff I think I might need. I didn't bring a shopping list, nor did I plan to buy anything specifically, except for instant noodles so I might just have to come back here soon. I paid for all my things and headed outside, ripping open a bag and taking out a popsicle because I deserve this for making through a week. I'm probably gonna go binge watch another series when I get home, I thought. But like the saying goes; time flies when you're having a good time.

    Screeching tires. I recoiled backwards as a black car with tinted windows skidded to a stop in front of me, just missing me by a few inches.

    "What the f—"

    The next thing I know, the door swung open. I was pushed inside, the air knocked out of my lungs and my popsicle, not even half eaten yet, wasted, on the ground behind me. [A/N: rip popsicle u will be missed]

    "Ow—" My forehead smacked against the door frame.

    "Ok, what the fuck just happened."

    Normally, panicking would be the expected redaction but I'm not normal. I've already seen too much shit in one week that I've become immune. But that does not stop me from feeling downright pissed. One, I lost my bag of instant noodles, two, my wallet is gone, and three, MY GODDAMNED POPSICLE—IT WAS MY FAVOURITE KIND. Surprise, surprise, the twins were sitting in front with his majesty congratulating them on a successful 'capture'. I coughed, drawing their attention.

    "first of all, bitch what the fuck? Second, bITCH WHAT THE FUCK." I... Honestly, my mind was just blank. I don't really know how to describe how the hell I said that so just go with you imagination. At this point my patience was dead—right out the window.

    "Oh, this is just host club business," Hikaoru spoke up.

    "King's orders." Kaoru finished.

    My eye twitched as Blondie's voice filled the car. My mind was filled with white hot rage. The reason may seem insignificant, but it's a side effect of staying with idiots for too long. I was too busy trying not to explode to make sense of the incoherent words.

    "Well, your majesty, care to grace me with an explanation as to where the hell we are going and what fuckery we will be doing today?" Both sarcasm and venom, laced in my tone, but apparently that dense motherfucker didn't notice.

    "You'll know soon enough." He dismissed. Rolling up the sceeen/window thing; whatever it was, [A/N: I have no idea what those things are called help.] that separated me with the rest of the group.

    That was it. I just snapped. My sanity was gone—actually it was long gone, but that's another story for later. Surprisingly, I just sat there for the rest of the trip, with my headphones on, blasting all the songs in my playlist that have even the slightest connotations of "fuck this shit", as high as my eardrums could take, trying to calm myself down. I sure hope my ears don't bleed after this.

    Is this what Bakugo feels all the time? Is that why he's always screaming bloody murder? I think I might just understand now, surrounded by idiots and all.

    I was pretty sure you could hear the music through my earphones from the front of the car. Is this shit even healthy? Probably not—but did I care? No. The real question you all should be asking is, when the hell did I ever?

    Soon enough we reached our destination. It was a giant glass dome, probably the size of the school. We all went inside and were met with familiar faces—it was the rest of the club. Inside was like a tropical getaway, littered with trees everywhere. There was a huge pool in the center and grand water slides circling around it. There were also smaller pools—when I say 'smaller' I mean a few square meters smaller than Olympic sized ones. The 'jungle' spanned in until the edge of the dome, which was almost lost in the distance one could easily get lost here. Kyoya walked up to us.

"Ah, Kuroo, I see you made it here safely, what do you think of my family's new attraction? It's bound to earn us some more money isn't it? Lucky for us, we get to experience it first."

     "Yes, yes. But you see, I didn't have... the best escorts. I may have lost some things along the way." At this point I felt like Spider-Man in the scene where he tries to keep the ferry aka, my sanity, together with his webs—just... minus the webs... and the super strength... and the determination to keep my shit together...

    "I'm sure compensation fees won't even leave a scratch on you weekly allowance."

    Shameless, I know, but I never had any left since I joined the club.

    "Of course, that can definitely be arrange—"

    "Alright then, if you'll excuse me." I just walked off.

    Honestly, I don't really know where I am but I've been walking for 20 minutes, so I just stopped in a clearing somewhere. I took in deep breaths; in, and out, in and out. After a few moments of silence, I was calm. sIKE BITCH U tHoUGhT—

    Did you really think I was calm? Did ya? I made the most guttural, bloodcurdling noise I have ever made—Holy mother of god I think I broke a record. It was like that scene when Midoriya finally finishes cleaning and screams on top of the garbage heap—just a little more psychotic—you know? We all have those moments don't we? Instead of an incoherent mess of words as it should be, it was an incoherent mess of all the explicit words I knew, mixed in with a few curses for specific people. This was supposed to be a good day, where I was supposed to relax, have fun and finish homework.

But nooo.

Not for the host 'frickity-frackity-get-the-fuck-out-of-here-before-you-die-uhappily' club.

Not for me.

I am gonna raise hell and there will be blood...

The host club's catजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें